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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Article 2, section 4 clear says “and all civil officers.” It specifies president and vice president likely because they were getting away from a monarchy and wanted to specify they aren’t above the law, but it clearly should apply to any federal civil officers.

    Does this actually matter if the Supreme Court is ruling in the constitutionality of how accountable they are to other’s power? Probably not. This supreme court at least will always argue in favor of serving themselves. I don’t know how that plays out at that point.

  • I see a lot of comments saying they aren’t. I’d disagree, but I agree they don’t have to be. The issue is most of the major powers in the world have opposed leftist governments anytime they show up. The ones that didn’t have a strong central power and cultural hegymony collapsed under the pressure. Any nation that had a weaker central power was either destroyed, couped, or undermined by the west.

    There is nothing intrinsically authoritarian about leftism (really, I’d say it’s less authoritarian in it’s ideals), but authoritarianism is easier to hold together when outside pressures are trying to destroy you.