At this point I think he just wants to default on some debt to emulate Hitler
At this point I think he just wants to default on some debt to emulate Hitler
Most people stopped understanding joke since the US government became one.
All the rest of the bullshit happened so people start thinking like this.
You have to stick to issues and hammer them, not go around trying to follow the Gish gallop.
It seemed to me that on the one hand, internationally, idiots like Bibi and Putin were emboldened by Trump and then both of them just hid behind the status quo - that the Dems won’t touch - long enough that the shit they started tanked Biden’s presidency.
Also, the whole political class in the US is just too old to try to adapt to stuff. Another news article is calling out the Dems for “failing to keep up” with 83 year old Trump.
I am not disagreeing with you, but it definitely was because the Dems refused to clean up after Cheeto Benito.
I guess I’m just saying that even if someone is into social Darwinism and eugenics and stuff like that - which pretty much makes one a Nazi - even then, this is stupid.
The problem is that this will just hurt 99.99% of people. Wealth is not a good selector because it has practically no gradient. Pretty much nobody but a very select few have enough wealth to combat this.
I’m saying that it’s like you went into a zoo and started randomly shooting the animals there and called it a selection pressure. Nothing will adapt to survive bullet wounds, they will just die.
It would be Darwinian if the predatory practices hurt “less fit” people the most. And that would be evil in itself, and also detrimental to society. However, they will just hurt poor people, which is most people, as companies will just go “what are you going to do, sue us?”
It can also be sustainable if the surplus during population growth are invested and not spent.
Somehow with these systems governments are very silent when they can skim off the top because more people are paying in and they can use that money to patch other holes in the budget, but they somehow become very critical of the system once that money would need to be paid back from the budget.
Are your parents paid out according to your contributions or their own?
Just rotate the bank account numbers, everyone gets someone else’s.
Your parents and grandparents also paid contributions, didn’t they?
Sure, scarlet letter. It’ll be a goddamn reference letter. “Willing to work for your corp under immense pressure and never questions illegal practices”.
Reducing CIA headcount for example. But also, fracturing US alliances, stopping USAID, removing the US from international agreements that it could use as diplomatic soft power leverage, and just being a general jackass.
He’s eroding the US’ capability to coup and extract wealth from other countries. Trump is squandering all the power they built up on posturing and bullshit.
If President Musk allows it
It is astonishing isn’t it? Why does a Dem Congressman just walk into the OPM with an official entourage, tear the Musk server out of the wall, and tell the guy to stuff it for example? Or something? Why does Musk have more power than elected officials?
I thought my country’s opposition is ineffectual, but this is a new level of idiocy.
The CIA will just become even sketchier.
I think it’s not that far fetched to presume the CIA has major political power within the US, more than the EPA at least. If someone, they know how to assassinate a president or a billionaire and make it look like an accident.
Hi, just about any EU country here, please apply for asylum at the nearest convenient embassy in the US, and we will get to you once we processed all these people from Syria, and Africa at large. This may take several decades as the Nazis your government is funding are lobbying to defund the whole thing.
If you want to try to expedite this process you might want to hop over to Albania and try to make your case at the wonderful township of Röszke where you can be a backdrop to the next election campaign in Hungary.
Helpful phrases include:
Less helpful phrases that will only elicit laughter are:
Don’t worry, our best people who we could get to supplement the border guard as “border hunters” for 130 EUR a month full time are there to help you. They are highly qualified, as attending school for at least 8 years is mandatory (any actual grade attainment is not guaranteed and frankly unlikely).
You thought the ICE was bad.