• WhatAmLemmy@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    The masterminds are the < 0.1% capitalists who have corrupted the entire system, financed the GQP into mainstreaming fascism, and financed the Democrats into the only alternative — ineffectual neoliberal lapdogs.

    Corporations are literally dictatorships where money is speech, and the structure of the entire corporate world is authoritarian — sitting right alongside fascism and the polar opposite to democracy (and worker co-ops). Never forget, Nazi Germany was a Christian Capitalist dictatorship. The 0.1%, and their corporations, were more than happy to finance and partner with Hitler, right through the Holocaust — no different to the way they’ve financed and partnered with Russia, Saudi Arabia, the CCP, and countless other authoritarian criminals, right through the genocide of the Uyghurs and Palestinians. The thing they hated most about communism was that they couldn’t buy it out, and weren’t the top dogs controlling the capital.

    Trump and every corrupt politician is just a vassel of capitalism doing what capitalism does when it isn’t kept on an extremely tight leash — capital and power accumulation at any cost. After all, the only force more powerful than too-big-to-fail corporations is a government for, and by, the people.