• yesman@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      It’s forever amusing that anti-theists exaggerate power and influence of religion.

      Israel is a secular country, where the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is popular for the secular reason that a Jewish democracy requires a Jewish super-majority. This is clear all the way back to the writings of David Ben-Grunion the first prime minister of Israel, who was atheist. (the Jewish homeland imagined by early Zionists like Thomas Herzl also envisioned and multi-cultural secular society).

      Did you know that an early plan for the Jewish homeland was to be located in Kenya? My point being that Israel’s creation had more to do with Europe needing a (distant) place to send Jewish refugees than it did with stories from the Bible.

      I focus on Europe and Israel, because those are the political actors who conceived and colonized a country. The admittedly more religious adversaries of Israel have only reacted to European and Israeli policy, therefore Islam cannot be the “motivating factor”.