Donald Trump has watched a video clip of the attempt on his life at a Pennsylvania rally “over and over again,” leading to fears that he may be suffering from PTSD, according to a report.

The former president has viewed the “seven-second” clip, in which his right ear was grazed with a bullet, multiple times – an act which has not helped a reported mental spiral brought on by Joe Biden’s decision to drop out of the 2024 race.

    2 months ago

    Hes probably watchin the video over and over again while thinking how great it would have been for his campaign if he had actually gotten shot, instead of whatever he claims to have happened to his so-fast-its-magic healing ear

      2 months ago

      Considering he’s doing his future outdoors events in a glass box, I’m leaning PTSD. I think he finally realized he’s mortal, in a very real sense, and is coming to grips with that. I have no doubt he’s coming apart at the seams.

        2 months ago

        Of course hes coming apart at the seems.

        not cause the shooting (well, not entirely, it plays a small point at the end of a very long chain), but because he is a Narcissistic control freak who grew up inside a comfortable bubble of yes men, sycophants, and brown nosers, Where he never heard criticism, he never heard “no”. All he heard was “Yes, boss” " Thats brilliant, boss!" “You’re a genius!”… Until he decided to run for President. A run he only made for attention and fame, not because he wanted to win (There were many leaks from his camp about how furious and upset he was that he won in the days following)… But Win he did, and that win popped his bubble… Because no matter how many sycophants and yesmen he surrounded himself with, he was getting constant, blistering criticism as president, especially with covid. Constantly hitting walls and being told no he isnt allowed to do This or That. He became a man who lost all his power to do anything except put himself infront of a Camera and speak. And Speak he did, almost daily, moaning and groaning about how everything was so unfair to him, relishing the adoration he was getting from vast swathes of people he wouldnt under any other circumstances give two shits about (and still doesnt, He just likes to see and hear the praise, so he can feel like hes in his safe little bubble again).

        But as bad as all that was, he then had the next election, Which he lost. Humiliatingly so, in his eyes. And that so aggrieved him that he fell face first into what he has been slowly tumbling through, with greater extremity, for the past four years… a narcissistic meltdown. Hes lost his power, his money, his authority, his everything. His crowds are smaller, the coverage is less often and less favorable, and now the last link in the chain of events is being shot at, by a voter of his no less… and he didnt even get significantly hurt from it (If at all, cause we all know if he was actually hit in the ear he’d have that bandage of raging about being disfigured), which pushed his narcissistic meltdown off the edge and into overdrive.

        Hes not having mental decline. Hes not panicked from the shooting.

        Hes just a big ball of nebulous narcicistic rage, insecure and lashing out at the world that he thinks took everything from him… because he could never, ever, be in any of these situations by his own making. It has to be everyone elses fault. /s

        Cause remember, the only prayer trump knows is this one

        • That didn’t happen.
        • And if it did, it wasn’t that bad.
        • And if it was, that’s not a big deal.
        • And if it is, that’s not my fault.
        • And if it was, I didn’t mean it.
        • And if I did, you deserved it.

        ~Narcissists Prayer.