• Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.worldOP
    1 month ago

    I don’t really have a problem with the posts/articles you share in general but you must realize you post a pretty large volume in general compared to the average user (politcal or not), and most of them get down voted by a lot.

    First, how many third party articles are there compared to the number of pro-democrat/harris articles? What do you think the percentage is? In fact, just look at the percentages for the last week? There are far, far more pro-democrat/harris articles, even if you think I have posted too many.

    Secondly, what would I care if they are downvoted? It’s no secret that Lemmy is very anti-third party. And in that case, if I were some Russian asset, wouldn’t I be “suicided” out a window pretty quickly, especially considering how much you all hate third parties in this sub?! lol

    Do you think that this sub ONLY allows posts that will be upvoted? That wouldn’t be very democratic, would it?

    I don’t think you are a plant but there is an arguement to be made that you are pushing forward an agenda that is, just not what people here want.

    But I also post Libertarian articles and RFK jr/Independent articles–which takes away from Trump votes. So what do you think my “agenda” would be since I have posted articles of third parties that in theory would take way votes from BOTH parties?

    Because Republican/Trumpers hate me as much as Democrat/Harris hate me. So what exactly would my agenda be? Oh! Could it be that I think that only having two major parties make all of our decisions for us is bad?

    So what agenda do you think I have? Go on, say it. It’s ok, you can say it out loud. No reason to beat around the bushes…

    I’m not saying you ARE pushing an agenda, Im just saying I can see how it might appear that way to some.

    But you literally said "This dude is on a one man quest to promote third parties on Lemmy, and the crazy thing to me is how generally non combative and polite they are. It seems like rage bait and every one of their posts gets massive down votes but then you see their comments are all like "well I respect your opinion but I disagree’… I really can’t tell if this is just a master level troll or some deep cover Russian op." in your original post in this thread.

    But now you are noting that you are not saying that I am pushing an agenda. Let’s go over the important part of your original post here: I really can’t tell if this is just a master level troll or some deep-cover Russian op.

    Do you see how that could be seen as maybe you are accusing me of some agenda?

    Also, it should be noted, I am not the only one who posts third-party articles, so it’s certainly not a “one-man quest.” Also, it’s not a quest. I am interested in third-party political news, this IS A POLITICAL NEWS community.

    There are plenty of pro-democrat articles, isn’t some variety/diversity of voices and opinions a good thing?

    I say i hope you dont get banned because it is clear from all the downvotes that a lot of people disagree with what you’re posting

    Meh, I get more downvotes than upvotes, but not every single vote is down. Most of my articles to get upvoted, just that the majority of people here despise third parties, so they definitely outnumber the people more open to them.

    But that won’t stop me from posting or giving my opinion, or from defending myself. This is an anonymous forum, so the popularity doesn’t really transfer over to my real life. I mean the DM’s from people saying they are going to follow me or that I get paid in “Russian bitcoins” is creepy. But still not gonna stop me.

    I don’t write the articles. The articles are not opinion pieces. Just political news articles that I repost to a Lemmy political news community. Some people seem to make it their life’s choice to be mad about opposing viewpoints. I may be verbose in my replies, but I’m not so passionate about it that I am going to track people down and follow them. Unlike some of my haters. lmao

    You seem genuine to me

    Thanks. I am. People calling me a russian asset just because I post articles about the Green Party has zero effect on my mood or my day. :)

    Just to be clear, I actually post more Socialist articles in c/socialist than I do third-party articles in c/politics. The issues discussed in the socialist comm (and c/science) are the ones I care about the most.

    • Carrolade@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      He barely posts any libertarian news whatsoever, and occasionally does post RFK Jr news. However, almost all the articles he selects are about conflicts they have with the dems, and he generally does not post about anything pertaining to the gop.