"Top Republican leaders in North Carolina have called on Mark Robinson to provide proof that he wasn’t behind salacious posts on a pornography website — but new information continues to point to his involvement in the type of online sexual activity he denies,” Politico reports.
“User data… shows that the person using the ‘Nude Africa’ account that reportedly belonged to Robinson had accessed the porn website from a location not far from Robinson’s home. Robinson’s email address is also registered with other previously unreported dating websites.”
There goes that CNN suit. That lasted all of 30 seconds
Worse, if you search for the username that CNN dug up connected to him, minisoldr, on haveibeenpwned.com and try various emails like, say minisoldr@yahoo.com or minisoldr@hotmail.com, he’s had his account details leaked in multiple breaches. It’s only a hop skip and a jump away from some hacker dumping this guys entire online personal history.
Don’t threaten us with a good time
I’m just, you know… putting the idea out there.