• orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts
    1 year ago

    Had an anatomy teacher in high school that only gave a shit about students that did well. Everyone had a partner in the class so that no one had to dissect things or do projects alone. It was nice and helped a ton.

    Part of the way into the year and my partner transfers out of the class. So now anything I worked on meant I fell behind by default because it was one pair of hands vs two doing the work. I was already struggling a bit in the class but when I was partnerless, my grade was basically in free fall.

    I expressed that I was struggling to the teacher and then to my parents. We had a conference with the teacher and, this is the worst part for me, he said I was doing perfectly fine. He was not willing to even face the fact that one of his students wanted to do well but needed the extra help. He straight up lied about my performance, when I had the lowest grade in the class. Absolutely refused to acknowledge the problem so that he didn’t have to contribute anything extra. Even saying “hey, you might want to look into a tutor” would’ve helped, but nope. This dude offered nothing. Even my parents were taken aback by it.

    I ended up transferring to another school entirely. On my last day, I basically had to go like it was a regular school day so that I could get my transfer paper signed by each teacher. When I got to the anatomy class, I asked the teacher to sign it, he did, I said absolutely nothing and walked out of the class. Not going to sit there and endure that insufferable twat any longer than I had to.

    The shitty part is that I loved anatomy and biology. In my previous biology class, I regularly got the highest test grades and could name all of the various animal organs by heart. I was also an ADHD kid (and now an ADHD adult) that didn’t get anything of value from most traditional learning methods. So that teacher’s absolute shutdown was more of a blow to my self-esteem and willingness to give a fuck about school than he realized.