When will be your “this is the last fucking time I’m voting for the ‘lesser of two evils’, then I don’t care after that, let this country burn to the ground”? For me, this is basically it. This is last election I’m going for that " lesser of two evils" bullshit. After that I’m done. It’s just pointless. Let’s hear it.

  • Amerikan Pharaoh@lemmygrad.ml
    11 months ago

    the elections are entirely rigged

    DING DING DING! One hand washes the other, the Overton Window ratchets to the right with no pushback from the democrats, and this was ALL rigged from the start to ensure the settlers never had to give up the power they stole, raped, murdered, and genocided for. The problem is, you can never accept this answer; because it would mean confronting the difficult idea that everything you were ever taught as a child in the west was a fucking lie, meant to keep you thoughtlessly benefiting off their system.

    And since you are benefiting, and have been benefiting for so long, you’ll do any thing, and throw any one under the bus to keep those benefits pouring. I don’t even know why I’m wasting the electrons when I know you’re just going to posture like the insufferable liberal smuggard you’ve come off as thus far, I’m going to ache for the death of your country and the falsehoods your leaders claim as morals, and we’ll both have gotten nowhere but closer to the heat death of the universe-- or maybe just the climate apocalypse that your leaders seem hellbent on ignoring as we sail right past 2C this year. 25 years ahead of schedule.