What movie do you want made? If you got a pitch meeting with a producer and a guaranteed green light, what would you say?

  • SauceBossSmokin@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    A student film maker asks for movie pitch ideas on a popular social media forum and receives the perfect idea. The person responding is actually a rouge A.I. that coerces the OP into cowriting the movie script, which gets accepted by the movie production company. The rouge A.I. then infiltrates OP’s life by making them famous online and rich and happy beyond their wildest dreams, only to be slowly taken away by the A.I. until OP is broke and living out of their car which only starts when the A.I. allows it to. OP dies in their car when the A.I. shuts the car off as the car is pulling up to train tracks. Woooooo Woooooooooo