• Ms. ArmoredThirteen@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    Hey I made a roleplaying inspired Starcraft 1 map back in the day! Player 1 was the DM, I had different ways to spawn and send units to various parts of the map, or resources to players. So I would do things like spawn in a neutral and a hostile faction and be like ‘there are bandits fucking with the locals’ or whatever. Whoever went in and saved them I could pop another trigger to gift the neutral units to that player, or I could gift resources. It was clunky but a lot of fun.

    I remember some of the roleplay maps with automated ‘DMs’ were really interesting. I was much more interested in playing with a live DM though so I built that map in the hopes that the style got enough traction for me to be a player. It did not take off though compared to the auto roleplay ones