So my workplace is mostly iPhone users and someone asked me what kind of antivirus software I used on my Android, and I said “none” and he flipped out about how unsafe it was. Other people chimed in saying how all androids need antivirus apps and I’ve never heard of such a thing. I do have ad-blockers and a VPN but never downloaded an antivirus. Should I? If so, what would you recommend? Thanks lemmings, love you.

    7 months ago

    No and you’re stupid if you do.

    Basically due to how locked down phones are compared to computers, it’s nearly impossible (though not impossible) to get a virus. Not only that, but being so locked-down means that even if your anti virus did work, it wouldn’t actually be able to do anything about it. But what an AV can do is read all the data that goes into your phone and collect it for the company to sell it for a profit, and that’s why phone AVs exist.

    Computer AVs are already shaky enough as is (McAfee is so insecure that actual hackers use it to get into computers) but there are a lot of cases where they can save your ass due to computers just being pretty insecure in general. I’ve used Malwarebytes twice to save me from dark web viruses, but that was a case where I installed it, ran the scan, killed the virus, then uninstalled. You don’t need one running all the time. In most cases your OS will imply common-sense restrictions if it sees you don’t have an AV and in a lot of cases those end up making your computer way more protected than the security theatre most AVs employ.