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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Extremely rare side effects aside, what about all the kids whose lives you destroy by _not _ intervening? Do you know how many confused cis kids go on blockers, decide they want to stop and go on and live a cis life? It literally almost never happens.

    Of the children accessing trans healthcare available to minors, the overwhelming majority are trans kids who do not detransition or regret anything they do to transition. The kid you are “protecting” is that “confused cis kid” who is vastly outnumbered by genuinely trans children who will become transgender adults. By withholding blockers (at the minimum), you are sacrificing the well being of the overwhelming users of blockers, genuinely trans children, for the sake of the wellbeing of an almost non existent subgroup of confused cis kids.

    How many trans kids lives are worth sacrificing so that one cis kid might not accidentally do something totally reversible that might increase their risk of cancer the same amount as eating bacon?

    When you put it all together like that and the outcome is still a desire to prevent access, one has to ask: maybe the point is to make the trans kids suffer? Maybe the point is to make it harder for them to blend in with cis people? Maybe the point is to not treat their illness in hopes they give up and conform or kill themselves?

  • I don’t really know what to make of this article.

    1. Bosses != executives / people in charge of making return to work decisions. Is there remorse from the people who were actually responsible for the return to work decision-making? or is it middle management who didn’t really want to come back either expressing their lack of satisfaction how “corporate” executed?
    2. If it really is an ineffective policy It’s never too late to admit your mistake and pivot. If you aren’t doing that, then what is this besides lip service?

    I don’t know if this is really the case but it comes across a little as “ah shucks sorry we didn’t do so great with all that… oh well too late now, bygones and whatnot, get back to work.” You aren’t absolved lol every day the policy continues its an endorsement that its what you continue to want