Yet another refugee who washed up on the shore after the great Reddit disaster of 2023

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Exactly! If you say that Biden should drop out for the good of the country, a bunch of people nod their heads, but if you say trump should, everyone just laughs.

    I’m for sure on team “Not Trump, and not a Republican.” I think the debate really may have weakened Biden’s chances, but I can’t think of anyone who I’m confident could do better in the election. And I really mean “in the election” - there are certainly some who I think could do better as president, but they either don’t have the name recognition or wouldn’t pull in the moderates.

    I’d love to see a true progressive, but there are an awful lot of people who simply won’t vote for one. So I’m sticking with Biden and hoping for the best.

  • I’m with you. Trump disgusts me more than any human being alive, but I wish we could keep the complaints to the things that actually matter. I don’t care about his odd use of bronzer, his hair, the size of his hands, what he eats, how much profanity he uses in private meetings, or any of that crap. I care that he will 100% put making a buck over the good of the country, doesn’t think laws apply to him, is a racist and a misogynist, and stuff that actually matters for the head of a world power.

  • I worked on the space shuttle program, and I found Armageddon almost unwatchable. I mean, those things go up with the big solid rockets and an external tank full of hydrogen and oxygen, all of which get jettisoned during launch, then they come down as a glider. But in the movie they’re landing on asteroids and taking off again, smashing into things and still flying, etc. (remember how Columbia blew up because of a crack in the leading edge of one wing?). Plus the whole premise of it being easier to teach oil drillers how to be astronauts than to teach astronauts how to be oil drillers is a joke. Every astronaut I’ve met has been an amazing capable person - many are test pilots with multiple advanced degrees.