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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 3rd, 2024


  • I don’t know about your specific issue, but I have found that it helps quite a bit to often start new conversations. Also, I have a couple of paragraphs explaining the whole idea of my project that I always paste in at the beginning of each conversation. I’ve not been doing anything terribly complicated or cutting-edge, but I haven’t come across anything yet that Sonnet hasn’t been able to figure out, although sometimes it does take me being very clear and wordy about what I’m doing and starting from a fresh slate. I’ve also found it helps a lot if I specifically tell it to debug with lots of logs. Then I just go back and forth, giving it the outputs and changing code for it.

  • For programming it is Sonnet 3.5, there is no remotely close 2nd place that I have tried or heard of, and I am always looking. I personally don’t really have any interest in measuring them in other ways. But for coding, Sonnet 3.5 is in a distant lead. Abacus.ai is a nice way to try various models for cheap. Really, some sort of agent setup like mixture of agents that uses Claude and got and maybe some others may do better than Claude alone. Matthew Berman shows Mixture of Agents with local models beating gpt4o, so doing it with sonnet3.5 and others of the best closed models would probably be pretty great.

  • Because trump is guaranteed going to convince the military and entire government to behave like nazi Germany. Anyone who disagrees with this obvious take is clearly a moron who loves fascism and hates freedom. Trump will kill everyone who isn’t purely white. It’s so obvious. It’s definitely better to have a turtle without a shell as president because trump is the biblical antichrist who will surely usher in the end times. Only an idiot couldn’t see this obvious fact.

  • Exactly. I’m just pointing out how stupid people are who always say that it’s the Republicans that do awful shit and not Dems. This is yet another case of them both being awful, and yet whenever things like this get pointed out, people jump up and yell about how both sides are not the same. I just beat the fools to it so that when they do it, it looks especially dumb. They will probably just silently downvote since they really have no other way to respond.

  • So we have one who has genocided, and one who hasn’t. Your view is the one who hasn’t ever genocided anyone will definitely genocide worse. I understand that this is too complex for you, maybe we can simplify it some. Bob punches your mom in the face, Sally has never punched your mom in the face. Who is more likely to punch your mom in the face, Bob or Sally? Right now your answering Sally and you are saying anyone who doesn’t answer Sally is dumb. There is no reality where you are not the dumb one.

    You see a blue D and you say “yes master” and you completely turn off your brain. It is undeniable who is the dumb one here. You have nothing to stand on except for your imagined future that will suddenly contradict the past you’ve actually experienced. They have beat you to such a pulp that you are incapable of having an original thought or using any shred of logic.

  • It would be astounding if, after thousands of years of countries having their political systems changing, this would be the time period where all of a sudden, everything just gets cemented in place. Anyone who thinks nothing can change is like an obnoxious teenager who thinks the world didn’t exist before they were born.

    This is all besides the point though, this whole thing is about some dummy that thought that it’s a clever insult to say that a group doesn’t like the two party system. Obviously, it’s a pretty bad insult if practically nobody wants a two party system. It’s like insulting somebody because they don’t inject mayonnaise into their pillow to make it extra soft.

  • So then, what is your point about how we can look at any parliamentary or multi-party government to see how poorly they work? We look at them, see they are better, and then you just say that that’s not why they are better. Why even bother looking at them for evidence, then? Maybe having more voices in government is the thing that moves a country in a direction of being better for its people.

    In a lot of ways, it doesn’t even feel like we have two choices. Which party should you vote for if you think we shouldn’t be bombing children? In that regard, it is almost like we have one party. How about if you think peoples lives shouldn’t be destroyed for smoking a joint? Who do you vote for for that one?

  • Go tour around Scandinavia or most of Europe for that matter, and then tell me how much better a two party system is for it’s people. In lots of the first world, they have things called trains that can quickly take all over the country, and even into other countries! Guess what happens in lots of the first world if you get hurt or sick, spoiler alert: you don’t lose your house! Guess what happens if your homeless? You don’t get arrested for it, you get support. The list goes on and on… pull the IV out of your arm, the two party system in America isn’t shitting the golden nuggets they’ve got you thinking they do. There is a reason it takes millions in investments and property for US citizens to snag an EU passport.