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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 13th, 2023


  • I can do full fledged software development complete with fully desktop-equivalent Neovim on my phone.

    That said, it’s really not a pleasant experience. The CPU in my phone is pretty fast all things considered, but it still takes several times longer to compile a project than my laptop does; having this little screen real estate sucks; and since Termux doesn’t enable predictive text on the onscreen keyboard (and predictive text is worse than useless when writing code anyway), the best I can hope for productivity wise is a keyboard like Hacker’s Keyboard or Unexpected Keyboard that at least has functions like Esc built in. When I have a Bluetooth keyboard, I’m about half as productive as I am on a laptop. When I don’t, writing the same program takes ten times as long. But it does have all the same features my desktop setup does, and it is usable in a pinch.

  • Any social media platform where you follow people instead of topics.

    I have to just sort of flail about in the void looking for people in my same niche to follow, and by the exact same token, no one will ever look at anything I post unless one of the Popular Accounts™ re-shares it. What’s worse, a re-share from a person with a lot of followers has more value than a re-share from an average Joe. That never sat right with me – the idea that one person’s opinions on what was and wasn’t good were more valuable than everyone else’s, and that everyone therefore competed for that person’s attention.

  • i use…colors…

    the servers in my and my friends’ network are called Red, Blue, Green, Orange, Heracles, and hp_elitedesk (don’t ask about those last two

    I do come up with fancy names for my laptops though, usually some combination of the model of the laptop and the OS it’s running. Void Linux + Thinkpad = “voidpad” was pretty straightforward, but when my next machine was an Alienware running Arch I was a bit stuck. After a bit of thought I remembered that one episode of Star Trek with the Guardian of Forever and named it “guardianoffornow”

  • Two nights ago I finished the minimum viable product of the app I’ve been working on for a while. I’ve been a programmer in one form or another since I was 8 years old, but here I am now in my twenties and I’m only just getting my first app ready to publish. I’ve done small stuff for my friends before once or twice, but this is my first public app. Part of me is ashamed it took this long, but a bigger part is excited! The program is a desktop client for e621 (if you don’t know what that is, it’s probably because you aren’t a furry, and I’d advise you not to google it) that has some nifty search features the main site doesn’t. It’s not ready to publish yet, but I do have a first draft working, GUI and everything, and I’ll probably have at least some version public (alongside the GPL’d source code) by the end of the month, hopefully by the end of the week (since that’s when school starts back up).

    I actually had all the backend code working for this a few months ago, wired up to a Discord bot that I had never gotten around to making public. Unfortunately, about a month ago, my laptop’s SSD got corrupted (due almost entirely to my own incompetence) and I lost all the code for that bot along with all the other data on that laptop – and hadn’t made any backups. It was tough. I bounced back, though – I rewrote the backend code in record time since I remembered how I did it and since the power of horny compelled me – and the rewritten version even has some features the original didn’t. I rearchitected the entire search query parsing algorithm and made it roughly three times as complex, but it was worth it because the spaces between terms in the search query are OPTIONAL now!

    In all seriousness, if anyone reading this who knows what e621 is would find this program useful, please let me know, and I’ll get you a beta copy. Bug reports and feature suggestions welcome!

  • Physical books, all the way. I’m a techie, through and through – I’m a computer programmer by trade, and as soon as I can convince these stupid smart bulbs to work with Home Assistant I’m very excited to have a smart home – but I’ll take a physical book over a digital one any day of the week. If I must read something on a computer, I pirate it. Physical books are easier on the eyes (and e-ink displays, though they’ve made massive strides over the last several years, still lag well behind their old-fashioned counterparts in terms of color rendering (and in some cases even black-and-white readability) and are still prohibitively priced), and more importantly, you can’t put DRM on a piece of paper. I’m a huge believer in owning what I buy.