Sadly, we all know the answer: because an even bigger clown thought it would be “clever”.
How did he get so much power then? Well, son, 'cause there’s a whole lotta clowns out there who voted for him
Sadly, we all know the answer: because an even bigger clown thought it would be “clever”.
How did he get so much power then? Well, son, 'cause there’s a whole lotta clowns out there who voted for him
Nooo… 😲
At some point these nitwits are going to a) say that the wheel is woke then b) reinvent it.
This or some other company, that’s essentially what Maria Ressa said (with proof).
Familiar playbook.
Thanks for the update-in-a-nutshell!
Maria Ressa
Yes! Thanks, I couldn’t remember. Was an amazing podcast series on PBS iirc.
Fuck Duterte. He did to his country almost a decade ago what Trump is doing to the USA now. I remember this Philippine-American journalist saying in 2016 that
we (the Philippines) are the test bed for things they don’t dare do in “the West” yet.
Isn’t his daughter president president now? No doubt that’s better, but by how much I wonder.
Not sure I’m getting this right: is this John Roberts trying to backpedal on a vaguely related issue after he scotus-voted for the president’s immunity? A belated stirring of conscience?
A great speech. Full of well-deserved cynicism, yet factual. This is where we are now with the USA.
If there’s no JavaScript, there’s no malicious scripts
But there is, tons of it! And I can’t see anything. The content is obscured without it. It’s not static html.
At this point a total collapse of the USA’s 2-party-system seems the best of all realistic alternatives.
Because the Dems getting their shit together in less than 4 years certainly isn’t realistic.
No javascript over insecure connection! Archived versions all seem broken (or empty). Yeah, no, sorry.
Of course they put a close-up of his actual face at the top of the article. And the shock value of that just proves its headline. *shudder*
This is good news!
But the constant barrage:
the part-time legislature has spent more than half of its days this session pushing such bills through committees and the house floor, with Republicans largely voting in lockstep
…is by design.
Ah yes, our national flavor of sovereign citizens, but with a “king”.
Always very long faces when their actions meet consequences, and waving that “document” that states that they aren’t subject to our system anymore does exactly nothing.
That’s the worst about this timeline. It’s all out in the open, yet people continue to parrot all the grifters’ completely open grifts, with conviction. 🤷 Post-truth society.