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    Thailand police arrest 14-yr-old suspected gunman after 3 killed at luxury mall. According to the article, chaos erupted after gunfire was reported at the upscale Siam Paragon mall in Bangkok. Three people were killed and four others injured in the shooting. Police arrested a 14-year-old boy suspected of being the gunman. Hundreds of people, including children, were seen pouring out of the mall in torrential rain. Gun violence is not uncommon in Thailand, with the incident coming a year after a nursery shooting killed 36 people, including 22 children.

    Siam Paragon is Thailand’s most famous mall, known for its high-end stores and popular food court.

    Archive.today link to www.reuters.com

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    Temperatures in Spain shattered heat records for early October according to the country’s meteorological agency AEMET. Nearly 40% of weather stations recorded highs above 89.6 degrees Fahrenheit to start the month. Two cities, Badajoz and Montoro, broke continental Spain’s record for the warmest October temperature with readings of 38 and 38.2 degrees respectively, surpassing the previous mark of 37.5 degrees. Most of the Iberian Peninsula saw temperatures 7 to 14 degrees above normal. Even Madrid’s historic Retiro Park matched its October heat record of 30 degrees from 1930. The weather expert noted almost 100 individual records were broken just on October 1st alone. If the trends continue, future summers may not only be hotter but also longer, extending well into autumn which is usually milder.

    The article notes that scientists widely attribute the rising global temperatures to human activity.

    Archive.today link to www.reuters.com

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    Indonesia is launching Southeast Asia’s first high-speed railway connecting the capital Jakarta with Bandung. Largely funded by China under its Belt and Road Initiative, the 142 km railway will cut travel time from 3 hours to around 40 minutes on the Whoosh bullet trains reaching speeds up to 350 kph. The $7.3 billion project was constructed by a Chinese-Indonesian joint venture and faced delays due to land and environmental issues. Indonesian President Joko Widodo championed the project and will inaugurate commercial operations on Monday. During test runs, Chinese and Indonesian leaders rode the trains and were comfortable even at top speeds.

    However, some experts question the financial viability of the high-speed rail for such a short route, as existing transportation is far cheaper.

    Archive.today link to apnews.com

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    Colorado Governor Jared Polis gave local officials a ride on an electric passenger train to generate support for a new Front Range rail line between Pueblo and Fort Collins. The officials were excited about the smooth and quiet ride showcasing the future of transportation. Federal infrastructure funds provide an opportunity to pursue the project, but support and funding from local communities will be important for grants. Polis wants to put a measure on the November 2024 ballot. Some officials remain skeptical given past problems with RTD’s unfinished rail lines. Representative Jennifer Parenti will only support a ballot measure if planners provide a solid plan showing the project is ready. Unlike RTD, the new line may partner with Amtrak, potentially avoiding issues from freight track owners. Planners envision starting with minimal service between major cities while ramping up over time.

    The electric train ride helped transform the long-discussed project into something more tangible and imminent.

    Archive.today link to www.cpr.org

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    Many small-town newspapers in Colorado are struggling to stay in business amid rising costs and declining revenues. After a major printing press closed in Pueblo, some papers had to find new options for printing. In Liberal, Kansas, one publisher took on several Colorado papers to help keep them published. However, some papers have still closed down completely. Others are experimenting with new business models like shifting to monthly magazines or improving their digital offerings. In some communities, local residents have banded together to revive defunct papers and provide news coverage again. The revived Pikes Peak Bulletin in Manitou Springs appointed its first board and is now publishing weekly issues again. Maintaining a local paper is seen as important for keeping rural towns informed and engaged.

    Publishers note that community support through subscriptions and advertising is critical to sustaining papers into the future.

    Archive.today link to coloradosun.com

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    Mainstream Western media frequently engages in relentless China-bashing by regurgitating trivial or fabricated stories without evidence. Positive stories about China are rare. Reporting typically adheres to three ideas - that China is a threat, must be linked to all global issues, and that curbing its rise is legitimate despite hundreds of millions gaining a better life. This betrays an imperial view that the West decides which nations participate in the global economy. The media war is powered by technology in a new propaganda era, with Western outlets assuming conflict is inevitable rather than promoting multilateralism.

    Dismantling the dominance of Western media will be difficult but investing in alternative sources worldwide could provide more balanced views for local audiences.

    Archive.today link to thediplomat.com

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    Brazil’s Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling rejecting efforts to restrict indigenous land rights. The case involved the Xokleng people who were forcibly removed from their ancestral lands in southern Brazil in the late 19th century. While the Xokleng were granted rights to a 15,000 hectare reservation in 1996, they argued this land represented only a fraction of their original territory. The ruling sets a precedent against the “marco temporal” argument that indigenous groups must prove occupancy of disputed lands as of 1988. This decision will impact hundreds of similar land disputes and represents a boost for indigenous rights amid attacks on these rights during Jair Bolsonaro’s presidency. Anthropologists have documented the brutal tactics used to drive the Xokleng from their lands, including mercenaries collecting the ears of those killed.

    The Supreme Court victory was met with celebrations and tears of joy from indigenous groups nationwide.

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    Leaders from across the political spectrum in many Western states have asked the Supreme Court to overturn rulings that restrict clearing homeless encampments. Officials described growing problems with tent cities in places like California, Montana, and Oregon. They argue that court decisions have limited their ability to remove people from public areas without adequate housing options. While advocates agree encampments are unsafe, they argue governments should focus on housing and assistance over crackdowns. Homelessness has overwhelmed many areas, with over 170,000 homeless people in California alone. The filing stems from a case around citations in Grants Pass, Oregon. Even after billions of spending, cities struggle with lack of shelter space and people refusing help. Interestingly, both liberal and conservative jurisdictions have joined together in calling for the Supreme Court to intervene, a rarity in polarized times.

    Officials hope the Court will address what they see as a growing humanitarian crisis.

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    The US House of Representatives passed a stopgap funding bill to avoid a government shutdown. The bill passed with bipartisan support after Republican Speaker Kevin McCarthy backed down from demands for only Republican votes. This averted a shutdown that would have started at midnight. Democrats celebrated the passage as a win, with over 200 of their members voting for it. McCarthy said he acted as the “adult in the room” to prevent a shutdown, despite risks to his position as leader. The funding fight focuses on a small part of the overall federal budget but raises concerns about the country’s creditworthiness.

    The passage buys Congress more time to negotiate detailed legislation setting funding levels for federal programs.

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    Alan Colie was found not guilty of malicious wounding charges for shooting YouTube prankster Tanner Cook inside Dulles Town Center mall in April. Colie admitted to shooting Cook but claimed self-defense, saying Cook approached him from behind and played a phrase in his ear multiple times using Google Translate. Security footage showed Cook holding his phone near Colie’s ear for around 20 seconds before Colie backed away and fired his gun. The jury acquitted Colie on the malicious wounding charges but found him guilty of discharging a firearm in the mall, a verdict that was later set aside. While the prosecution argued Cook never threatened Colie, the jury sided with Colie’s self-defense claim.

    Notably, the case gained attention as Cook filmed prank videos for his YouTube channel at the time of the shooting.

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    The article discusses Joseph Roberts, who was touted by the Trump administration as a victim of #MeToo accusations but is now accused of a gruesome crime. In July, a dismembered woman’s body was found in a garbage bag in Alameda, with her head, hands and feet removed. The victim was identified as Rachel Elizabeth Imani Buckner, a young mother and spoken-word poet who had just graduated from a San Francisco law school. Investigative reporter Matthias Gafni covers the story for the San Francisco Chronicle. He has worked for Bay Area newspapers for almost two decades, covering corruption, criminal justice and more. Notably, Gafni won a Pulitzer Prize in 2017 for his work on the Ghost Ship fire and was a finalist in 2019 for coverage of the Camp Fire.

    This shocking crime story highlights how Roberts was previously portrayed very differently before the disturbing allegations against him surfaced.

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    Divided loyalties examines the fragmented political landscape in Somalia. The country was once governed by a nationalist party after independence, but clans soon dominated. Siad Barre then instituted a military dictatorship promoting socialism and irredentist nationalism. After his regime fell in 1991, new clan-based polities emerged like Puntland and Somaliland declared independence. The adoption of federalism in 2012 further incentivized clan divisions. Al-Shabaab also vies for control, exploiting clan grievances despite rejecting clan politics. Meanwhile, diaspora Somalis still hope for reunification despite the entrenched political rivalries.

    In short, Somalia faces deep challenges overcoming clan divisions and forging a cohesive national identity after decades of conflict and decentralization.

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    JPMorgan Chase will pay $75 million to settle a lawsuit brought by the US Virgin Islands over Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking operation. The lawsuit alleged that JPMorgan was complicant as Epstein was a client from 1998 to 2013, withdrawing up to $750,000 per year. While the settlement does not admit liability, JPMorgan regrets its association with Epstein. This is the first time a bank has paid an enforcement action related to human trafficking. The US Virgin Islands has also secured over $165 million in other settlements from Epstein’s estate and those connected to his crimes.

    The agreement recognizes JPMorgan’s efforts to fight human trafficking through anti-money laundering programs.

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    Mexican auto parts workers at VU Manufacturing formed an independent union in 2022 called La Liga after years of domination by company-friendly unions. In retaliation, the company shut down operations in Piedras Negras, Mexico this year, leaving 400 workers jobless and 71 without legally-mandated severance pay. These workers now face blacklisting from other local factories. The case poses a challenge to new labor protections in the USMCA. Blacklisted former VU workers have struggled to find new jobs amidst employer reluctance to hire union activists. Auto manufacturing is highly interconnected between Mexico, the US and Canada, so Mexican workers’ conditions impact others across borders. As Mexican unions gain strength, companies threaten to relocate production. US unions have supported Mexican workers’ rights to organize independently.

    A protest is planned at VU’s US headquarters to demand severance pay and an end to blacklisting in Piedras Negras.

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    The document discusses the concept of antisemitism and its relationship to Zionism and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It interviews author Rebecca Ruth Gould about her book “Erasing Palestine”, which analyzes how the definition of antisemitism has been expanded by some organizations to include all criticism of Israel in an attempt to shield it from scrutiny. Gould describes her own experience being accused of antisemitism over an article she wrote about the occupation, and how this led her to explore issues of free speech, Jewish identity, and the silencing of pro-Palestinian views.

    The interview touches on Gould’s rediscovery of her Jewish roots and draws parallels between the oppression of Jews and Palestinians.

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    Iraqi torture survivors who were detained and abused by U.S. forces at Abu Ghraib prison and other sites nearly 20 years ago continue to seek compensation and recognition from the U.S. government. While investigations have documented widespread torture, around 500 criminal probes led to charges for only 11 soldiers. Survivors have found no clear path to redress through the U.S. court system or compensation programs due to legal obstacles. The report profiles one survivor, Taleb al-Majli, who describes being tortured and continues to suffer physical and psychological impacts, lamenting the toll it has taken on his family. It argues the abuses stemmed from Bush-era policies that circumvented torture prohibitions and the U.S.

    has yet to fully acknowledge responsibility or provide remedy for Iraqi victims.

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