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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 9th, 2024


  • I’m sorry, but again, jim crow.

    Our most revered eras of prosperity, except the 90s, were so prosperous on the backs of a massive, racially determined underclass supporting it and not benefitting from it with no other options. They never even had well funded schools worth the defunding that’s happened to the rest since then.

    And once a lot of people died getting rid of that, the owners decided fuck all the peasants, leading into today’s more widespread economic despair.

    Also rock and roll was derived from African American music of the times, and was just another thing white Americans stole from their racial underclass to benefit themselves.

  • We need an amendment where campaigns are government funded, and offering money to or accepting money as a politician while in political office that isn’t that office’s salary is treated with the same life imprisonment severity as treason.

    We won’t get it, but we need it.

    If we’re going to wish for the impossible, lets wish to fix the root problem with our utterly, completely captured wall street owned zombie government. It’s why we have Alito. It’s why the Federalist Society, an extremist group of the affluent, owns all of our asses with no recourse now.

  • The goal of modern, blood sucking, publically traded business is to exploit as much value from employees as possible for the smallest wage possible.

    Unless you work for a coop or a genuinely benevolent small business, and in the US that’s rarely you, your goal ought to be to provide the least value possible for the highest wage possible, which is very doable once hired to a salaried position for a good long time, because big corporate is almost as incompetent as it is greedy. You can usually even do this while endearing yourself to your higher ups, as long as you fake caring about the bullshit corporate culture to their faces, while undermining the organization where you safely can. Not full on sabotage or fraud, just thinking about the better, faster way to do things, and finding the opposite way in which to do them, etc.

    They don’t operate on honesty or integrity, and if we try to fight them on those terms, we’ll be placed where all the honest discontented peasants that fight back earnestly end up, in a cardboard box under a freeway. The capitalists love to crow about how voluntary capitalism is, and that’s what they mean, volunteer to be their battery, or volunteer to die of exposure and police capital defense force harassment.

    The class war was fully lost half a century ago, the owners won by convincing the Reaganites there was no class war, proceeding to conquer without a fight. This is class occupation. All we have is guerilla tactic resistance.

  • As long as private shareholders are having record quarterly earnings, almost all economists, hired by wealthy organizations largely to push the narrative that benefits those organizations, will of course declare victory.

    Economists also generally defend our “free market” rigged crony capitalism as the only way too. They’re literally the priesthood of this grift.


    The homelessness epidemic is getting worse. Our people are dying in the streets in record numbers, please, go down to your nearest homeless tent city in every major population center in the US and tell them they’re being dramatic.

    This economy no longer cares about customers or employees. The Reagan/Kemp grift eviscerated the customers first, employees second, investors last model. Now it’s private shareholders first and only demanding companies sabotage their long term future to goose their next quarter with layoffs, anticompetitive behaviors, and tax cheats. Why care about the products/services you literally exist to provide when you’re part of an oligopoly, buying and killing any potential competitors trying to improve your economic sector’s product/service? At that point, you can make shadows of what you used to make and your captive consumer base has nowhere else to go. Despite its primary selling point, market capitalism’s end goal has been thoroughly proven: to END competition.

    Capitalism is eating its own tail having conquered the monopoly board and having no more meaningful new markets left to metastasize in and exploit.

  • I don’t like Tucker Carlson, but he’s doing the most American thing he can possibly do.

    Name anything more American than giving zero fucks about the moral/ethical/destructive/antisocial implications of an action and TAKING THE FUCKING MONEY?

    That is literally our most cherished core value in practice, prioritized higher than any other claimed values we pay lip service to. We literally make children go hungry and leave their public schools in underfunded ruin to cut our most zealous profiteer’s taxes and call it horseshit like “fostering self-reliance.”

    I don’t like that about us, I don’t like us period. But it’s who we are, balls to bones. People either fucking each other over for moooaaaaaar money, or fantasizing about getting to be the ones doing it, when we aren’t shooting each other at least.

    Our practiced values are wrong, and fully explain the hell we’ve made for ourselves. Tucker/Trump/Jones/McConnell etc people exist in prominence precisely because we celebrate/worship/emulate greed and the greedy instead of throwing rotten fruit at them when they show their faces. We literally beg life advice of our antisocial greed lords.

  • This is what I’m voting for Biden on. The fascists and the neoliberals take the same orders on the economy destroying our shared COMMUNal habitat for short term private profit. We’re only permitted a vote on how to address the social symptoms of our growth/metastasis addicted capitalist economy we aren’t and never will be permitted a vote on.

    All we get to vote on as we sink into oblivion are the handling of social issue symptoms. I’m voting Biden because we don’t need to ALSO use the country’s Presidential bully pulpit to scapegoat LGBTQ, immigrants, pregnant women, etc for it as we sink into oblivion.

    That’s the only power we have, so why not be kind with it? Here at the end? Just be kind?