How does it work in practice?
How does it work in practice?
You say that, but it’s not “to each his own” under one party rule. It’s “even fewer means to express dissent and curb corruption.”
I tried to push back against the “Democrats only lose” mantra a few months ago. It’s confirmation bias and “don’t look back more than 4 years” that drives this thinking.
I went back to 1992 and was accused of cherry-picking.
Edit: found it
Was “legal chaos” taken?
They seem to be able to win elections just fine.
Oh, sorry. This isn’t about Republicans?
I don’t think you’ll enjoy your new role of trying to defend what one of the parties is doing. It’s much easier to complain and criticize and pretend the people you support would be perfect while not naming them.
Heretics are always hated more than infidels by extremists.
The winner has to be the one Mr. Crab likes the most. That person will also go on to win the general election easily, because what Mr. Crab likes is proven to be widely popular.
Weird how that keeps happening.
Exactly. Communists are more like Stalin and Mao.
And what is happening to Medicaid now?
Imagine saying the texts were melodramatic in the same thread we’re complaining about what happened when a plurality voted Trump.
Damn those Democrats! They did this to us by not making more of us voted for them.
This one at least can be prevented by the Democrats who some of us voted for.
Let the Meat Cereal!
The Peoples Union USA is sponsored by Kellogg’s.
Not when it’s stealing from them.
If anyone was wondering what opinion my original comment was parodying, it’s this one here.
If we blame Trump or Bibi, we’re shifting blame away from our greatest enemy - moderates.
So not a great track record. Ideals to Trumpism much faster than two party US democracy.