Myopic would be not realizing supporting political violence will get people you support killed too. We need to hope that it can be made harder to kill candidates and those in office going forward.
Myopic would be not realizing supporting political violence will get people you support killed too. We need to hope that it can be made harder to kill candidates and those in office going forward.
This is the Irish Star reporting on what Mirror US said about what happened on a TV show.
How are Noem and Cricket involved here?
If they say Trump’s winning, it’s a trick to make Democrats think it’s lost and stay home. If they say Trump’s losing, it’s a trick to make Democrats think they’ve won and stay home.
Maybe sometimes people just want to share opinions about what’s going on. We should vote regardless, but not everything is a trick.
Yeah, I’d say an online poll is about as accurate a pulse of the people’s opinions as a YouTube comment section.
Was it by any chance an online poll?
Speaking of rambling…
If he costs someone the election, it means the election was very close. That’s all.
How is voting third party going to change the two major parties or defeat the duopoly? At best one of the parties will move slightly more toward your positions, but they won’t move so far that they lose voters who support them precariously but think your positions stink.
They also have to factor in that no matter how much they bend you will vote third party anyway because they didn’t match what you’re looking for exactly.
Who cares about genocide victims? They’re dead.
Thanks. He did cross my mind but didn’t fit as a politician.
I ruled out Paula Jones pretty quickly.
Who is the Jones in the palin-jones-trump arc?
George H. W. Bush ran for and won election in 1988. He was the Vice President to Ronald Reagan from 1981-1989.
More than 40% of the US population identifies as a race other than white, according to 2023 census data.
White students make up 37% of the new class, compared with 38% last year, while the percentage of Asian American students rose to 47% from 40%.
Seems like with or without affirmative action, white students are underrepresented at MIT. 60% of the population (minus those who didn’t report?) vs 37-38% at the school. Or could there be a discrepancy about how white as a race vs Hispanic as an ethnicity is reported in the two different stats?
Anyway, white supremacy seems to have little to do with the issue. It’s the Asian American proportion that went up and the black, Hispanic, and Pacific Islander proportions that went down.
When did it become clear RFK Jr. went nuts? He was pretty revered among the left for his environmental stances, but then he started to apply the same fear-mongering to vaccines that he had been for chemical pollutants.
He and Hines married in 2014. Was he already pretty far gone in the public’s perception or was he getting a pass?
Whoa, whoa, whoa. How are you forgetting Kid Rock and Ted Nugent?
Going out of your way to believe what everyone around you believes? Yeah, that’s hard.
They could try to help elect Gaetz’s Democratic opponent in the general election if they really cares about child fuckers.
Trump thinks Swift is still a country star.
Defying the law can beget legal violence. But due process is preferred.