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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Mushrooms.

    Everything about them disgusts me, from the way they look, to the way they smell, the texture they have and the disgusting mouldy, dirty taste. Even seeing them growing in the ground grosses me out and I’ll take a wide path around them to avoid going near them.

    Outside of magic mushrooms, they have literally zero redeeming qualities. I hate them with a passion and it’s basically the only food I never grew out of hating.

  • Buddy, your account is 10 hours old and all you’ve contributed is negativity. I’m not surprised you can’t get laid, your attitude is bad and you seem like an unpleasant person based off the tone of your comments.

    Nobody likes someone that’s perpetually angry. Buddy’s advice to you basically boiled down to “be yourself and be a genuinely kind person” and you just straight up dismiss it as “faking it”. If you have to fake being nice then you should get some help.

  • No. I drink every other day at least (not wasted, but a good buzz), I have no friends anymore cause they’ve all got familes and responsibilities, or they’ve left the frozen wasteland that is northern Canada. I’m 30 and I live with my mom and brother cause she works part time and couldn’t afford to live on her own, and I couldn’t afford to live on my own either even though I make $22 an hour, which also means no decent woman would consider coming anywhere near me. My mom is amazing but it fucking sucks being a 30 year old man and having a room right across from her.

    My rent went from 1800 in 2017-2022 for a 3 bedroom to 3 fucking grand for a much worse 3 bedroom because we got renovicted from our old place. The new landlord is basically a slum lord, no doorknob on the downstairs bathroom, no heat in my room, no fan and mold growing in the upstairs bathroom, toilets that clog constantly, shit insolation in a city that can get as cold as - 40C during the dead of winter, no door at all on my brothers room, lots of garbage left in the backyard from the previous tenant that was supposed to be removed by the landlord within a week of moving in (now a year and a half later) and a shit local government that just a month ago gave subsidies to landlords as an apology for rent control being implemented.

    On top of that it feels like the world is moving increasingly towards fucking people near the bottom of society like me more and more as I get older. I have basically no hope left. I work my ass off at every job I have, rarely it pays off with promotions and small raises, but I’ve yet to get a truly good increase that raises my standard of life significantly. I try my best, I truly do. One of the few things I can be proud of is that I’m consistently known as a great worker, but it’s a roll of the dice whether you’re gonna get a boss that values that or just tries to take advantage of your work ethic. Feels like no matter how hard I try, I can’t move forward. I get a better job with more money? Oh rent has massively gone up, groceries and gas have gone up, fucking everything has gone up in price. I get more money and every fucking greedy piece of shit has their hands out demanding more money for the essentials of life so I just languish in permenant fucking mediocrity.

    I’ve gained 30 lbs over the last year due to drinking and depression, I built an awesome new pc last year but I barely use it for more than watching videos cause nothing gives me joy anymore. I used to at least be able to get some amount of joy out of playing games, but now nothing makes me happy. I literally wish I could get cancer so that I can die free of guilt. I’m not suicidal, I could never do that to my parents and brother. But every day I wish something would happen that takes me out of my miserable existence. I hate the world and I hate my pathetic fucking life.

  • “what’s the point of introducing new taxes against the rich? They’ll just find ways to avoid it so let’s just not do anything that might harm their profit margins or else it’ll make the poor even poorer”

    Then wtf is the solution? Everybody says this whenever higher taxes for corporations and the rich is brought up, that they’ll just find new ways to avoid touching their precious profits. Should everyone just collectively do nothing because “they’ll find ways to avoid it so why bother”

    This defeatist attitude pisses me off, something needs to be done to curb this bullshit. Literally no one needs or deserves hundreds of millions, let alone billions of dollars, and this cancerous “profits must go up every year or your company is a failure” needs to fucking die already. Why do companies making hundreds of millions to billions of dollars in profit need more fucking money? Why can’t being rich af and literally not being able to spend your net worth in a single lifetime be enough?

    We went from 1 salary at a factory being enough to raise a family, buy a house, buy a car, and go for a yearly vacation being normal to even 2 highly educated people working together and sharing expenses barely being able to afford a fucking house. Now the average person is expected to give a giant portion of their monthly earnings to pay off some parasitic landlords mortgage plus some profit for the “trouble” of being a fucking parasite.

    Eat the fucking rich. Enough is enough.