I aim to be more human. I aim to be less apathetic as a human. Apathy grows, like a tree, and I aim to prune my own.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I used to have that every day of the week. Anxiety attacks were my alarm clock, typically 2 hours before I needed to be up with no chance of getting back to sleep. I stuck it out for 2 years.

    Now when I start getting that I make note. If it continues for more than a few months, I quit. (I’ve never been stable even when I took shit, so what difference does it make?)

    It’s not stable, but nothing about the present system is stable, and I’d rather be unstable on my terms than theirs.

  • I have a hideous lamp that I hate that’s worth about a grand. It doesn’t look like it’s worth that much, just a heavy brass base and reverse painted landscape shade… but all antique and sought after.

    My cats are probably going to break it so I should sell it but it was the last lamp my mom refurbished before she died (why it didn’t get sold and I got it in the first place)

    I also have a brass fairy floor lamp that, with no shade, is worth about $1500, but that one looks valuable, and is very rare (and super cool)

  • I don’t think I’ve ever intentionally clicked an ad, with the very very infrequent exception of product results that come up in searches. It’s literally never been to buy the product, though. It’s to see if I’m interested in doing more shopping around. Ads are never for the best priced or highest quality product, but if it’s something you’ve never looked into before they can be informative, and it’s easy to access.

    But since I started running a pihole years ago, I don’t even do that, because it gets blocked when I click it. Rightly so, it was a bad strategy anyway.

  • Ha! This is my new way of looking at my smart devices. I’ll sell you off if you don’t do what I want, and buy something that does. Very much a threat.

    I recently factory reset all my Roku TVs, and didn’t connect them to the internet… and they work much better now.

    Roku broke big time when I insisted on privacy. blocked the entire Roku domain, it broke the apps on a 1-month schedule like clockwork to get the network release for reinstall which allowed for phone home. lol no. I trashed it. They are dumb TVs now.

  • Despite microwaving potatoes frequently, (1-10/wk, don’t judge me) for many years (often questionably, typically without pricking) I have yet to have one explode. One would assume microwave explosions would be more common.

    Perhaps luck, perhaps potato type/size (I like Yukon gold and reds, which are thin skin, small, and relatively soft) but it’s just me so I don’t usually buy large/baking potatoes, and maybe those are more prone to bursting?

    I put them in a lidded microwave safe container, bit of water in the bottom, microwave for 10-15 minutes. Never a burst in… almost 20 years?