Assian_Candor [comrade/them]

Organic guy. Silicon Valley hater.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 26th, 2022

  • Assian_Candor [comrade/them]***
    8 months ago

    Just what exactly do these assholes think the point of life is. Also pretty rich to talk about work life balance when all of your national wealth is being siphoned off by a giant pulsating leech that is the “enlightened west”

    To quote Michael Parenti India isn’t underdeveloped it’s overexploited

  • Here in the US, if you have health insurance, any time you go to the doctor it’s $200. That’s if you have a doctor to go to. So we mostly don’t go, until it’s really bad, then maybe you have to go to the hospital, which may be a few thousand bucks on the low end and bankruptcy on the high end. You have no idea what you will pay when you go, they send you a bill in the mail that arrives 2-3 weeks later.

    So we pretty much avoid interacting with the medical system at all costs.

    If you do want to see a doctor or specialist it’s pretty easy since they are businesses, you just call them up and make an appointment. But what do I look like over here, John D. Rockefeller?

    Then we die young of easily preventable diseases.