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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • The only policy anyone will remember Trump has, is that he’s racist.

    He made sure everyone knew that and kept emphasizing it. And it was the only one that wasn’t made up on the spot. He seemed to have lots of ways to blame foreigners for everything

    And he wanted everyone to know he’s better at golf. That I believe, considering he spent his 4 years in office playing it (the only thing he seemingly did was steal some paperwork and blame others).

    Also, why didn’t CNN bring up stuff like the fact Trump told people to shove a lightbulb up their ass to cure covid? Or follow up on the lies. They should have had a ticker at the bottom with a fact check

  • I disagree with a lot of coverage. Public talking is hard and everyone has had a brainfart before.

    Trump wanted everyone to know he was racist… It was his only clear policy

    If you listen to the actual words, Biden had answers. He might not have been as vocal (which could have been fixed with a mic adjustment).

    But it’s easy to win a debate if you constantly lie. You can’t get onto the offensive, because Trump has the advantage that he can make up bullshit, and claim bullshit. He doesn’t even need to think about policies.

    It’s like arguing on Facebook. Talking on behalf of everyone and claiming that “nobody agrees” can only be disputed with facts.

    As others have said, the format was an issue that benefits Trump. CNN should have fact checked on the spot

  • Here in Australia, really looking forward to this

    I sincerely hope he spends the next month until sentencing shitting bricks stressed out.

    He’s done so much awful shit that nobody remembers the entirety of it from trans people, to Chinese people (China flu) and even the adoption of renewables.

    He’s fucked over everyone including many of his own employees.

    It was a step back 40 years. Now with him gone, assholes won’t be emboldened as much