I'm back on my BS 🤪

I’m back on my bullshit.

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • There was a hell of a party called The Big Banger. Shit was poppin. Everything was created, from things, to location for those things to exist in, to time for those things to change through. It was really tight and hot, but as more space was created, things were able to calm and cool down, giving the opportunity for organization rather than pure chaos. After a really long time, things started to gather together because of gravity.

    As things accumulated, they created large bodies. If enough things accumulated in one body, they would start to make newer more complex things and light! However, there’s a limit to how complex things can be made through gravity squeezing things together. When that limit hits, the body explodes. The force inside the explosion is so powerful, that is was able to make things more complex than gravity was able to. And, through the explosion, all these things get spread out. With the passage of more time, that stuff starts to accumulate again.

    Since it’s so spread out, most of it accumulates in the middle, but some accumulates around it. It creates these cool discs of celestial bodies that lap around a huge central body. The central body, being so big, starts to make it’s less complex things into more complex just like before. This gives off light again. The smaller bodies doing the laps get pretty hot on the inside, but cooler on the outside. This creates a cyclic pattern of things moving about and mixing within the little bodies. With everything getting all mixed up and receiving light & heat from the central celestial body, the opportunity for the most complex things is present. Eventually, the perfect conditions are arise, and the things start to organize just to organize! Yep, that’s right. Things become autistic.

    While things organized, their strategy is random. The ones that are best at organizing for their environment, continue to do so, while the ones that suck just don’t anymore. Through this competition of developing the best strategy, more complex things develop. At some point, one of the things begins to use the light from the big body as energy to become so complex, it can unify with other complex things, making a multicomplex things! This process continued until those things develop the capacity to have excess energy, plan, and alter their environment to help them organize even better, even if it is at the expense of other things just doing their own thing. But, it works out overall because it creates a massive system. At the peak of organization, the things release the Belgian techno-anthem Pump Up the Jam. After that (you are here ❌), they purposely destroy their environment since they reached the peak of organization and complexity, and just slowly let everything become chaotic and random until there is so much space, that time becomes meaningless.

  • The way she reports his actions is ridiculous. She can make anything sound like it’s bad.

    He WENT to the BATHROOM to PEE.

    He likes to EAT with UTENSILS‽

    Here’s a clip of him admitting he couldn’t even TELL THE WEATHER:

    My wife asked me if she needed an umbrella. I looked out of the window and didn’t see rain, so I said, “It doesn’t look like it’s raining right now.” When she opened the door, she saw that I was wrong and it was raining, so she had to turn to get the umbrella next to the door. This cost her 2 seconds she would have spent anyway, and now I know that I can’t tell if it’s raining through the screen on the window.

    Can we TRUST someone like that?? 🤨

  • Sometimes, there are valid arguments regarding transgender matters. For example, someone that has medically-induced higher levels of testosterone might have a resulting advantage in aggressive sports. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but it’s at least worth discussing it openly and honestly. What I find odd though is that the people that make transgender matters in sports their main issue say they do it for fairness, especially in support of women. However, these same people tend to have misogynistic views everywhere else in politics, so I’m supposed to accept that this one particular thing is where they finally started caring about equality?? It just seems so inauthentic.

    My sister is one of these people. She’s suddenly all about equality in sports. What?! When has she ever cared about anything or anyone besides herself and her kids as an extension?? When has she cared about fairness?? It’s so uncharacteristic of her to think that way, that I have trouble believing anything she has to say on the matter.

    1. He didn’t know what DEI stood for, lol

    2. He straight up not only admitted, but used it as an argument in his favor, that he didn’t know that the running mate of his opponent in the last presidential election was Black. He also just recently found out that the Vice President of the country for the last 3.5 years is Black. HE’S RUNNING FOR FUCKING PRESIDENT!! 🤣🤣🤣

    There is no possible analogy that I can make up to show how ridiculous this is because it’s already at max ridiculousness. Any analogy would make it less ridiculous. There’s absolutely no other election or application process in the world or history of humanity that would be more ridiculous because it’s an ex-President running against the current Vice President for President.

    omg, you can’t make this shit up.

  • I think it’s so odd that we base the legal binding provided by marriage on sex. Like, why is it assumed that we have to be sexual and/or romantic? Why can’t it just be someone I find responsible and reliable? What does the government care the sex and romantic status of whomever I pick for that?? It’s not like they’re asking us how often we go on dates, have sex, or say, “I love you,” to each other. We file taxes together, purchase family plans from businesses, make medical decisions when the other is incapacitated, and inherit assets. None of that is related in anyway to sex and romance. It’s just so bizarre to me than the government would care at all.