Just rename it to Fort This Cotton Won’t Pick Itself, that way it’s named after the ideals and not the man.
Just rename it to Fort This Cotton Won’t Pick Itself, that way it’s named after the ideals and not the man.
The DNC exists solely to fulfil the pretence that America has democracy.
AOC and Sanders are too good for them, but there’s nowhere else to go where they would have a voice.
The sooner the better.
At least until MS muddied the waters with “hibernate”.
Wait until conservatives find out that communities with high birth rates are not white.
0.01% drop = plummet
0.01% rise = soar
It’s the law of finance headline writing
Huh, so when a brown guy does it, it turns out it was a Nazi salute after all.
And the VP is already third in command. Fifth if you count Putin and Thiel.
If you can’t believe anything, you could believe anything.
Dumbfuckistan wants us to call what what now?
Well I notice the £95 a year not spent on Amazon Prime.
It’s always worth cutting ties with Amazon.
Just about everything is available from somewhere else, and probably cheaper with their enormous fees they charge the sellers.
If it isn’t available elsewhere, it’s probably an Aliexpress fire hazard anyway.
At least Hitler did it without a goofy look on his face…
Behold the one prominent US politician with any principles.
And for that she will never be allowed near any real power…
If he was this fearful of the incoming administration he should have packed the Oval Office with C4.
And like these pre-emptive pardons will mean shit if Trump is as bad as they think.
You’re not in your Klan duds now, buddy boy
In a capitalist society, the role of government should be to protect citizens from corporations.
If nobody is willing to do that, what use are they?
Gonna be an interesting few years if you get another pandemic. The man is batshit.
Which doesn’t sound like much, but if you have applications designed for 1024x768 (which was pretty much the standard PC resolution for years) then at least it would fit on the screen.
Really think they’d have got in without Trump?