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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023

  • I can’t find direct data on how many illegal immigrations are happening in Texas every year, but the undocumented population is estimated to be about 1,5 million, and stable. [source]

    Between 2022 and 2023, the legal migrant population increased by 10k, and eligible migrants decreased by 50k. If we assume that the whole difference is only due to illegal immigrants naturalizing, that would mean that the Texas yearly influx of immigrants is 60k. [source]

    That would mean that the “invasion” requiring armed self defence/martial law is for 60k civilians.

    About 10 million Texans yearly travel over 50 miles, [source], does that mean Texas is invading most of the US annually?

    (also, it’s ridiculous that you don’t have clear data and statistics on this exact question. Sometimes I love living in the EU)

  • You are right that things would still look like we’re accelerating away from us, even if we were actually contracting.

    Interesting hypothesis! How do we investigate?

    What could we expect from a large central gravitational point? We should have other signs of the gravity well:

    We would expect a point that we contract towards (and that seems ill fitting, as we see the expansion moves as the observer (including earth) moves), we would expect some kind of mass or similar effect, which would also have a size to fit it in (we know that gravity works different when you’re inside the mass, and we would be able to see it, much like black holes or dark matter), we would expect things to orbit the gravity well (which we know that at least our galaxy doesn’t orbit us).

    You might want to actually check on these things to make sure they apply and are true, but at least at first glance it seems the expansion is better explained without a central gravity.

  • But the question is not what is simplest for the company. Arguably it would be even simpler for the company not to pay Bob, or anyone for that matter, they could also simplify a lot with not bothering with doing anything beside extracting money from people, slavery and robbery are very simple.

    If we change the viewpoint from people living to serve companies, we might arrive at different conclusions, and maybe even a society better suited for humans, rather than companies.

  • But in several countries it is legally abuse to withhold emotional safety from a dependant, including withholding the right to privacy.

    I know, as I teach this to youth organisations who have a reporting duty against that law.

    As for the health benefits, I’d urge you to read a basic textbook on child developmental psychology. The keywords used in most models are autonomy, privacy and keeping secrets, as important parts of social (and cognitive) development from about the second year, and only get more important with age.

  • If you don’t like the texture, you can let it sit in the liquid for a bit to soften.

    Thicker liquids like (like Turkish or Greek style) yoghurt will take longer, for me about 5 minutes, but I’m guessing you like it mushier. Some have suggested overnight (an unforgivable sin IMHO), but you can easily try it at different intervals to see when is right for you.

    With milk it soaks faster, might be enough for you with 10 minutes.

    The flavors and textures do come from the grains and fruits being only lightly processed though, it might be that you need to transition yourself to it. Feel free to add stuff to get the right texture and flavors, and maybe work backwards from there?