• 6 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023

  • and don’t understand why we’re plowing ahead with two candidates no one really wants as president.

    That’s easy to understand; it’s because the two primary political parties run the show from bottom to top and they both managed to make serious political miscalculations at the same time.

    Democrats screwed up by repressing all their younger members for the past 15-20 years in favor of their established power brokers; now their cupboard is bare right when they need it most. The Republicans miscalculated by assembling behind Trump in the first place and then they did it again by re-assembling behind Trump.

    If this country’s politics weren’t being totally controlled by Ds and Rs now is when a 3rd Party Candidate (Libertarian, Green, etc) could gain some serious traction.

  • They’re not giving him immunity for everything he did as president, they just aren’t interested in being the authority that decides what is or isn’t an “official act”. They are letting lower courts decide that.

    That’s pretty much what they did but that’s not how it’s being presented by the media so you’ve got 30,000,000 people all riled up and ready to riot. I would have preferred if SCOTUS found a way to definitively settle this without the Remands but I understand why they did it.

    The lower court will take about an hour to decide that this stuff was “unofficial” and write the legal narrative supporting that. Hell I’d be shocked if it wasn’t already done. This isn’t even close to over.

  • America is a NET EXPORTER of oil.

    Big whoop. The article isn’t talking about oil production and it isn’t “oil” that matters; it’s what that oil is refined into that matters and the US doesn’t have the capacity to create much more in the way of refined products like Diesel, Gasoline, Kerosene, etc than it already does. In fact we’ve been importing a LOT of refined petroleum for years now to make up for our lack of refining capacity and pre-invasion much of it was imported from Russia itself!

    So when Russian oil refineries suddenly explode and those refined petroleum products are no longer available on the world market the prices go up. This is exactly how you can end up with low oil prices but high gasoline prices. If Russia can’t refine the oil they’ll try and dump it on the market for whatever price they can get but that low cost oil is headed into a refinery system that’s already working at capacity and can’t make anything more than it already does.

  • Why is everyone in here discussing “oil” when the article is talking about oil refining.

    Russia was / is a big player in the refined petroleum market and exported a LOT of Diesel, Gasoline, Kerosene and other petroleum distillates.

    This distinction is important because oil refineries are multi-billion dollar multi-year projects, they are not built quickly or easily. Most of the world is also refinery constrained, meaning that their existing refineries are already working at or near capacity.

    Here’s the capacity utilization data for the United States. As you can see the US has very little slack in its refinery capability so any dip in the ability to import refined petroleum products will, and does, lead to sharp price rises.

    So yes, Ukraine blowing up an oil refinery in Russia will absolutely cause global price hikes for refined petroleum products…and I fully support them doing it.

    tl;dr Y’all are discussing the wrong thing and “oil” is absolutely not a synonym for the refined petroleum products that come of out of an oil refinery.

  • Trump has been warned about a vast number of things by an incredibly wide variety of people and organizations. He’s been warned by members of his own family, close personal associates, business associates, numerous lawyers, various Federal and State Law Enforcement agencies, various Federal and State Courts, numerous politicians inside his own party, multiple former Presidents and at least two former Vice Presidents, one of which is known to shoot people and have them apologize for it.

    He doesn’t listen and he never will as long as the warnings about consequences don’t come true.