I am VERY aware of the legitimacy of that argument. But the argument here is not to tolerate the intolerant, but to tolerate the people that actually support you.
You are arguing a straw man.
I am VERY aware of the legitimacy of that argument. But the argument here is not to tolerate the intolerant, but to tolerate the people that actually support you.
You are arguing a straw man.
it’s not transphobic to avoid sex
Who the fuck ever claimed that?
Talk about a straw man argument.
Yes terf is one thing, but they also discriminate other LGBT, and their radical totalitarian approach also discriminate against those that actually support women’s rights. They discriminate against ALL men.
So they are very much part of the problem they complain about.
Ah yes, nothing like a radical movement built on double standards.
They complain they are not respected, but they discriminate against LGBT themself.
transgender-exclusionary radical feminism
From the article:
Young women don’t want to be intimate with men who don’t fight for women’s rights; it’s showing they don’t respect us.
The people complaining about intolerance are themselves intolerant.
The Korean 4B movement is for everyone.
No it’s not, it excludes transgender (talk about double-standards) , and it’s a very radical movement. Absolutely not something that is for everyone.
It’s ironic they complain about men not supporting rights for women, and then they oppress a minority group themselves.
From what i heard, what if you just dont date assholes?
They are intolerant assholes themselves, so I don’t think the date is the issue.
They complain that men do not support women rights. But they themselves discriminate against LGBT.
So there you are, double standard assholes, will always have an asshole with them on a date, but the asshole is themself.
If that party doesn’t actually crumble as a result of this, both from internal and external pressures, I’ll be amazed.
Oh the Irony, this is exactly what I thought would happen to the Republicans.
They are absolutely 100% unintelligent, I never claimed otherwise. Still they know what the science says, they just refuse to acknowledge it over their stupid religious faith.
Being an idiot doesn’t mean you are uninformed on very basic issues.
Every single one of these idiots have been presented with the facts at some point. They just refuse to accept fact.
Sure, they know broadly
I never said they know how, but they know the scientists know, but they won’t acknowledge science for the reasons I mentioned.
Every single one of these idiots have been presented with the basic facts, and know them, they simply won’t accept facts over their beliefs.
The point is they have been INFORMED. So they you can’t call them uninformed.
But you can call them ignorant because they CHOOSE to IGNORE facts.
Except there is nothing in the context that shows you are Swedish.
As you can probably see, the vast majority misunderstood you.
Maybe you should have a lok at the context again, because the context clearly implies USA not Europeans.
Every antivaxer knows the Science shows vaccines work, they just refuse to accept science, and claim it’s a conspiracy, because they are religious fanatics, that refuse to accept anything that counter their religion.
I’ve claimed for 20 years that USA as a nation is mentally ill. They celebrate individualism and freedom to a point where sociopathy has become a virtue, because zero moral standards means ultimate freedom. Then they replace their lack of moral standards with arbitrary pseudo moral standards from the bible.
That’s the problem, not that they are uninformed.
closer towards the EU
Hahahaha closer?!?! Hahahaha he calls US allies the true enemies, and Russia and China are not so bad.
What the fuck have you been smoking for the past 12 years?
This has nothing to do with intelligence, but everything to do with selfish entitlement.
If he really believes that, he is literally insane.
Very smart, he sure showed them. 🤣
Are we seriously still, in the year 2024
I was a teenager in the 70’s, and I agree, this is NOT the future I dreamed about.
The Tesla model S came out in 2012. I just remember that when Musk made that tweet, I’d already identified Musk as a conman.
But I don’t remember anything in particular that stood out as much before that tweet. Except he had already failed on his promise on FSD, with little to show it was even close. I also remember identifying him as an introvert narcissist. Which is kind of an oxymoron, but nonetheless describes his public social conduct.
If you are old, do you remember Lee Iacocca (Chrysler)? Or Jack Tramiel (Commodore)?
Those were stellar businessmen and CEOs, that were geniuses without being narcissistic sociopaths.
Those were true role models. 😀
Well to bad for him, Elron Musk is not a legal American.