When they use their judges to steal this election (as they are currently planning to do), what will normal people do? Anything?
When they use their judges to steal this election (as they are currently planning to do), what will normal people do? Anything?
Successful fuckery with this election will result in widespread violence between neighbors. It could last weeks or longer.
Be ready for neighborhood level violence. Have a plan for you and your family, if even to cover just a few weeks (food, water, electricity, fuel, ammo, barricade materials).
Conservatives are openly trying to fuck this election as hard as they can. The only question is if they will succeed. If they do, neighbors will kill neighbors over it. It will not be peaceful like the time conservatives brazenly stole Florida’s votes and gave them to Bush. That was a surprise to the normal people. This will be no surprise at all. This will result in bloodshed.
This is democracy manifest! Can’t a man enjoy a succulent Chinese meal?! A succulent Chinese meal!!!
The guy with the rifle was just there for a peaceful sight-seeing tour. Now he’s a political prisoner because he exercised his second amendment rights. Anyone arrested for this is a hostage and a patriot and should be pardoned. Free the September 16th patriot!
As conservatives cheer.
You mean Ted Cruz has extensive ties to everyday conservatives?!
Too bad we have a conservative at the helm of the DOJ. It makes me wonder if he too is a Russian asset.
President Biden’s biggest mistake, by far, was appointing a conservative as head of the DOJ. If a normal person had been appointed instead, congress would not have needed to publicly shame the DOJ for 2.5 years before Trump was investigated for his extremely obvious crimes.
I hope she moves to another platform and takes her peeps with her.
Leon is a conservative dipshit running a glorified message board for other conservative dipshits.
She seems to always endorse a Democrat. And she’ll probably pay a price for it at the, in the marketplace.
If she always does this, why would she “pay the price” this time and not the previous times?
Conservatives are not serious people. They are profoundly unintelligent, dangerous authoritarians who lack even basic humanity.
Conservatives hate books. They ban them and burn them every chance they get.
Trump is the most accurate representation of conservatives in U.S. politics. This has been proven time and time again for over a decade. He accurately represents them. He is them.
Conservatives: “The solution is simple. Bootstraps. Now quit yer bitchin’ and get back to work!”
Conservatism is a deadly cancer that needs to be eradicated to save humanity. There is no place in a modern culture for toxic, hate-based ideologies like conservatism. That’s just a fact of life.
Conservatives have been furious about that progress this whole time. They will never accept progress. If permitted, they will undo every bit of anti-bigotry progress made in the last 100 years and return us to a slave-based economy.
Conservatism is a deadly social cancer. It always has been.
Except the conservatives aren’t trying to just kill themselves.
jordanlund is a Lemminal treasure.
Conservatives have been insisting on it for years. This time, I hope we don’t stop before the job is done.
He’s known as “Mr. Wonderful” because of how marbled and tender his cuts will be when he is harvested and eaten.
Unfortunately, this doesn’t account for the GOP plans to use their SCOTUS to tilt the balance in swing states. Vote and make sure others vote. And then be prepared for a total rat-fuck extravaganza.