Butterbee (She/Her)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 27th, 2023


  • While I think it’s funny that the tough on crime crowd is rallying behind a convicted felon it’s important to remember that sometimes there ARE people who have been politically suppressed. Eugene Debs ran in 1920 for the socialist party. He’d been convicted for speaking out against WW1 at the time. He didn’t win, but he did run.

    What I hope is that Trump just doesn’t win. His support goes way beyond simple constitutional rights or freedom of speech. These GOP voters are not REALLY saying convicted felons should be allowed to become president. They are saying TRUMP should be allowed to become president. It’s populist, slightly cultish, and entirely frightening. Due process means nothing, personality and whatever they personally view as “strength” are what matters to them.

  • There was a vote that happened in my youth where two parties ended up with (Edit: NEARLY) identical amounts of votes in the house. In my voting district there was an independent running who was fairly popular with the city and we voted him in. The end result was that during legislation there was some vote where the yes/no vote was split perfectly even between the two major parties and our little independent became the deciding factor Edit: My memory was faulty. He forced it into a tie with his vote and the speaker of the house had to be the tie breaker. But the point still stands that his one vote had a pretty large implication.

    This is a very niche and unlikely scenario (it did happen though, look up Chuck Cadman) but it was a very clear indication to me that yes, voting does matter. And every one single vote DOES count and make a difference.

  • Ok so first, my biases. I’m going to write my best guess and then I’ll read the article. So… is it that Portugal helped people instead of simply trying to arrest them or put up anti-homeless architecture so that those better off wouldn’t have to see addicts in the streets? Let’s go and read now…

    WELL. I’m shocked!

    "Portugal’s leaders responded by pivoting away from the U.S. drug war model, which prioritized narcotics seizures, arrests and lengthy prison sentences for drug offenders.

    Instead, Portugal focused scarce public dollars on health care, drug treatment, job training and housing. The system, integrated into the country’s taxpayer-funded national health care system, is free and relatively easy to navigate. "

    Ok, I’m not that shocked.

  • That’s true but it literally doesn’t matter what you do the Trumpists will cry foul regardless and facts and reason don’t apply to them. I’m just glad the US still has people in positions of power that are willing to go against Trump and actually follow their rule of law. I’m also not American, but as a Canadian I feel dangerously close to what goes on just south of the border and we have our own cadre of ultra right-wingers who are trying to upset Canadian ways in the model of what Trump does. So I’m glad there are judgements against him when warranted even if he’ll never pay up and even if the amount he’s penalized is a pittance to what he should be penalized and even if his followers cry about it.

  • I disagree. Platforms like Tiktok take advantage of very specific psychological tricks to lure people’s attention in and keep it where they want it. It’s not the audience’s fault when they don’t notice a magician perform a sleight of hand during a trick. It’s not a victims fault when a thief does the same for ill. I do believe regulation might need to get involved if these platforms are doing harm. The same happened in the gaming space with lootboxes when regulators realized they were essentially marketing gambling to minors. It’s not the minors fault in that case either.