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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2023

  • Always, but things like unfettered worldwide capitalism and the concentration of wealth and power just makes it easier to do and cover up.

    Inequality and lack of competition (not just economic competition, but also things like political party alternatives) lead to concentration of power, which leads to corruption.

    Diversifying power and providing people with alternatives, checks and balances, and separation of powers leads to reduced corruption that groups of average people can fight back against.

    Hence things like the 2nd Amendment and the Founding Fathers believing that Citizens should be armed to resist even tyrannical overreach from corrupt elements of their own government for instance.

    No I’m not a Republican by the way, I just find it ironic that the people that started the USA actually had some good ideas that their successors have unfortunately just thrown out the window.

  • He almost certainly won’t be able to make that happen, but it’d be a terrible idea. If birthright citizenship were ended, the first thing the corpos would do is replace as many US Citizen workers as they could with Immigrants, and increase the amount of immigrants until they could get a workforce of permanent non-citizens who cannot ever vote.

    Smart people who hate immigration or who love democracy would realize that getting rid of birthright citizenship is a VERY bad thing. Our oligarchy would weaponize it real quick. The first people to be made obsolete would be the working class, including the White working class, ironically.

  • She’s not really a good public speaker for one. Not a lot of charm or charisma. She’s not good at schmoozing like Bill Clinton or Obama. A good presidential candidate needs that, and I think it’s a big part of why Al Gore and Hillary Clinton lost. She can speak well in public sometimes, but at others she sounds flat, boring, and artificial.

    Charisma is a big deal. Think about Reagan Democrats and how people to this day love Reagan even though facts and hindsight analysis show that he was a terrible president who was arguably the start of America’s modern decline into horrendous oligarchy.