I’ve taken pride in the amount of garlic I’ve managed to accrue for the garlic festival tomorrow. Your pile is looking a bit paltry
I’ve taken pride in the amount of garlic I’ve managed to accrue for the garlic festival tomorrow. Your pile is looking a bit paltry
trolly problem
That would be you
Be the change you want to see in the world
(I’ve voted in every single election)
How old are you??
He had me in the first half, not gonna lie
All good lol, I was trying to help, not be rude
There was a silent /s at the end
Edit: I think you might understand that and are playing along. Apologies
Omnomnom faces
- The Leopard
I have seen you support Stein, antvaxxing, and you are a moderator for Scientology. I don’t think I’ll be taking any advice from you
Sometimes we do a little arguing with the trolls. As a treat
Do you actually read comments, or do you just pull your bull shit out of a hat?
Good to hear! Looks like a fine dog! (Aside from the ketchup, but I’m not gonna bust your balls after what you have been through today lol)
How did things work out for you? Still with us?
Yeah, I’ve got this one appropriately tagged
You’re really bad at what ever this is that you are trying to do
I see it both ways. He’s basically speaking at DeSantis saying that she is just doing her job while he is trying to make it political
I read it the same way you did at first too
That would explain calling that diver a pedo. It’s ALWAYS projection
He’s clearly superior due to being immune from hanging
Sounds like it is working just as they intended. I really fucking hope this decision doesn’t go to SCOTUS
I sure hope nobody undercuts your prices