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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • Not that CNN has ever had the best political reporting, but this article is hot garbage. Almost entirely focusing on the tone and kayfabe of Trump’s rhetoric without really touching upon the ways in which he has openly plotted to warp our system into something quite unrecognizable.

    That said, this middle section really stands alone:

    Trump’s authoritarianism may make the 2024 election a profound choice


    The former president’s increasing demagoguery also puts the spotlight on key unknowns of the 2024 election:

    – Does the GOP risk nominating a candidate whose untamed behavior will alienate voters in many suburban swing districts who turned against him in the 2020 election, especially given the possibility that he could be a convicted felon by the time voters make their choice?

    – And if Trump wins the nomination, will his liabilities and the prospect of four more years of chaos and recriminations mitigate concerns about Biden’s physical and mental competence and concerns about the economy, as revealed in a CNN poll last week that captured a broadly negative view of his presidency?

    There are plenty of polls that already address this issue. They show that the answers to both of these look to be a resounding yes. This isn’t one of those questions that can never be answered, like the square root of a million or something.

    The numbers of people who affirmatively believe that Biden was involved in Hunter’s business dealings is dispiriting, though. That, mixed with the constant media drumbeat over Biden’s age, is most likely what’s keeping things so close at this point.

  • Do you really see a large number of gun-control-centered liberals talking about getting guns out of the “inner city” or away from “urban youth,” though? Because what I’ve observed is most of the people who are concerned about gun control are trying to get guns out of the hands of largely young white men who shoot up schools, churches, grocery stores etc. I can’t recall the last time I heard someone who identified as left of center complain about “violence in Chicago” — that beat is exclusively on the right.

  • I’ve been a loyal System/MacOS/OS X/macOS user since System 6. From the first time I sat down at a Mac, it’s the only OS family that allows me to forget that I’m using a computer and just do things.

    Architecturally the Classic MacOS was a hacked-together mess (though I was pretty good about managing my extensions, and I put together some pretty impressive uptime with my old Power Macs), but the UI was incredibly fast and responsive. Even on my M2 Pro Mini I don’t believe I can navigate my filesystem as quickly or as easily as I could on my OG iMac running 9.2. And I’d still love to visit an alternate universe where macOS evolved from the Server 1.0 UI rather than the Aqua UI.

    OS X/macOS feels a little more cumbersome, a little less personal. I don’t always love all the new features Apple pushes in its new releases. (IDEK with the new Settings menu.) And I really didn’t love the hoops I had to jump through to get PHP running on my Mini (I could have gone with an all-Homebrew setup, but I wanted to keep things relatively uncomplicated). The last version of macOS I unabashedly loved was 10.14 Mojave. But in the end, I appreciate all the things that bringing Unix to the Mac allows me to do, and there’s enough of the old MacOS DNA that I’m still mostly able to sit down, forget I’m using a computer, and just get my work done. That’s what I look for in an OS.