Ich kann Deutsch erst am Niveau B2 sprechen.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • — Mr President, we can get you a stamp that says 🅁 for “read”.
    — Meh.
    — Or a roll of golden 𝗧𝗥𝗨𝗠𝗣 stickers.
    — Yeah, I’d like that, that would be really cool. Make sure the letters are sticking out, like pushed up from the paper. And make them look like the letters on Trump Tower, I really like that. You know what, I’d like a hundred, no, a thousand of them, I’ll just try them out – you know, I’ll see if they are any good.
    — Great! Anything would be better than you destroying the documents you’ve read.

    (A week later, various items in the White House have one or more embossed 𝗧𝗥𝗨𝗠𝗣 stickers over them. The Oval Office carpet is still piling up with torn paper.)

    — Mr President, we thought you would use the stickers to mark documents you’ve read.
    — Well, I think they’re really nice on the table, and the drawers, it definitely looks wonderful.
    — I see, maybe we could try a hole punch. We could do any shape. Or how about an “out” tray?
    — You’re trying to tell me how to do my business? I’m a great, great businessman and I have always done this. For decades, and I’ll tell you: it’s a power move. You must show them what you think about their poor little reports, stupid little briefings, assessment portfolios… They need to have them printed, and I just go over the page, look at the pictures, and I have it in my head! When you do business, you can’t just put paper in your bag, like a wimp. And guess what? It works, it really damn works. I’m a great businessman and I’ve had some glorious success making deals, all kinds of deals. I’ll be listening to your business ideas when you have your own 100-floor tower in Chicago.

  • 🇭🇺 Sült tea / 🇨🇿 Pečený čaj

    The name means “baked tea” and it is just as popular on Christmas markets in the Visegrád countries as Glühwein (mulled wine) is in Germany. It probably isn’t sold where you live but you can make it at home.

    • Sterilize some jam jars.
    • Take all sorts of warm wintery fruit (apples, pears, oranges, plums, raisins, grapes, strawberries, cherries, mandarines, blackberries, blueberries, currant, raspberries, figs, anise, lemons) and chop it into small pieces, like 8x8x8 mm at most. Remains from juicers are OK. Add sugar (300 g/fruit kg) and cinnamon (1 tsp/fruit kg), perhaps some spices (such as clove).
    • Preheat your oven to 180-220 °C.
    • Bake in an open roasting pan for 30 minutes. Stir every 5-10 minutes.
    • (Optional) add 100 ml/fruit kg rum and mix it in while the fruit is still hot.
    • Fill the jars, wipe their edges, screw on the lids and leave them to cool upside down.

    To make the tea, put 1-2 tablespoons of the mix into a mug with 250 ml of hot water. Once you’ve drunk the fruity tea, use a teaspoon to eat the fruit.

    You may argue that it is actually food, and point taken. However, for some reason this is the thing I think of when someone says “beverage”.