Who would have thought those who love to control gullible people would go after the MOST gullible of us in search of power. It’s almost like they love to control the powerless and vulnerable… Hmm…
Who would have thought those who love to control gullible people would go after the MOST gullible of us in search of power. It’s almost like they love to control the powerless and vulnerable… Hmm…
Ford and old drivers?
So much for encouraging local economy. Now all fruits and veggies will come from Mexico and frozen 😂
You are wrong. I’ve met many vegetarians that ate eggs and fish. Vegetarians are not a monoliths.
I could suggest buying quails and eating their eggs. My friend did this and the quails fit in a small wood cabin (as small as a dog house). She had fresh eggs everyday. They are low maintenance compared to chickens.
They are great! I prefer canned herring, but sardine is a very close second.
A good egg replacement is fish. Canned fish can do if you can stomach it. Also artisanal cheeses like Brie or Camembert (I’m sure local American farmers make some). It’s hard to replace eggs properly, they are nature’s vitamin boosters.
This is the most dystopian shit I’ve read this week. Impressive, all things considered.
Wartime authority? I’m sure he won’t use that as an excuse to invade anyone as a bonus.
The YT comments are a horrific display of what full blown propaganda does to people. Some of them believe he commited a crime… but he wasn’t even charged with anything yet and no verdict has come out of this either, so he wasn’t convicted of a crime… The brainwashed live in a parallel reality. It’s insane.
Contraceptives are next, then the right to reproductive surgeries and then the right to vote, according to Project 2025. Hopefully Texan women realise that when a group removes a right from you, they are never satisfied with only taking one away.
Poor Musk
No wonder they don’t want abortion; they want more kids to abuse.