Hi, I’m Cleo! (he/they) I talk mostly about games and politics. My DMs are always open to chat! :)

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • Yes but that doesn’t have much to do with what I was speaking on. In the short term, we should be heavily investing in solar and wind but we shouldn’t have an anti-nuclear stance.

    So when people come along with an educated view of nuclear energy and talk about disasters and what not, I’m just making sure they know that’s not the sticking point. Nuclear isn’t dangerous, it’s just expensive and takes time to build.

    Nuclear needs to be invested in for the long term, that’s the clarification. Until then, it’s wind and solar all the way. However, I’m concerned that we could end up in a future where wind and solar rely on these massive batteries which aren’t much better for everyone involved unless we recycle.

    I’m not a nuclear absolutist, it’s just uneducated to say that nuclear is bad and shouldn’t be supported. It has applications, just later in our future

  • Nuclear disasters are becoming incredibly rare and plus a nation like the US for instance has plenty of wide open and otherwise unused land. Ask the military. So even if there were a disaster, they could be pushed far away from cities.

    The only disaster in recent memory required a tsunami to cause it and its effects are very minimal. Mostly it just cost a lot to clean up which again, is miles better than the radiation from coal and spills of oil and release of natural gas. The standard for which nuclear must meet is way higher than any other energy source when it comes to contamination.

    I also didn’t say that mining of other types didn’t matter. Coal has always abused its workers. Oil is bought from nations with large human rights abuses procuring it. Meanwhile Uranium is often easily accessible to nations and doesn’t even need to be traded for.

    Using nuclear energy is such a brain dead easy decision. Only barriers are upfront costs and public perception.

  • Solar power, as great as it is, is only available during the day and wind is also not a constant source of electricity either. Solar panels are also made through slave labor in China. The cobalt needed for a lot of our batteries to store renewables also comes from slave labor, though we’re working on that part. And almost all of the renewable sources don’t have parts recycled and instead put their heavy metals into landfills.

    They’re still a lot better than fossil fuels but they’re by no means perfect. That’s why we need at least some nuclear to help with those issues

  • Well, they did think of this. George Washington himself wrote about being weary of factions becoming too strong so that exactly this could happen. Madison also wrote about it and so did Jefferson. He actually suggested that this is the entire reason the judiciary needed to not be factionalized.

    I think ultimately their interpretation boils down to that the mechanics needed to take over should have the bar as high as possible for the time. And then as time went on, these protections were eroded. The democracy has in fact been able to reign in really bad presidents before and quiet down large factions. So relying on good will and good duty is a recent thing.

    Things have only gone off the rails entirely in the last 50 or so years. But I’d argue that George Bush did a ton to result in this. Keep in mind, executive orders were not meant to be used this way. They’re currently being abused to hell and that’s a loophole the same way that pardoning yourself as president is a loophole.

    These loopholes are intentional because it’s sort’ve a “if you can’t keep these powers in check as a populace, it’s your fault” type of mechanism.

  • Why are people not ready to riot over this? People should be in the streets and setting cars on fire.

    The highest court in the land just made a move so corrupt and blatant that there is no defense of it. They’re helping a criminal insurrectionist ex-president escape charges. Are you kidding me?! This is a complete delegitimization of an entire branch of governments highest office with life appointments.

    Not only did they not need to take the case but they set it up to delay his trials as long as possible. Meaning that now, his trials WILL LIKELY NOT HAPPEN BEFORE THE ELECTION.

    At best we might get a verdict on one or two before the election but sentencing will not take place and that is IF there are no other delays. Those are slim chances.

    So yes America will be heading to the polls this November with Trump facing potentially zero responsibility for his actions, maybe found guilty before January, whereupon he could be sworn in and cancel his own trials or could pardon himself.

    This court has just shown they would allow him to do that. Why else take this case if not a blatant desire to unfairly install Trump as president? There’s no reason. What I’m telling you is that he won’t face justice if he wins the election. And this just increased his chances of winning dramatically.

  • This plan likely won’t work because their party is far from united right now. All it takes is for a few people on their side to call this unreasonable and their excuse falls apart.

    My reasoning for this is that it’s exactly what happened with the recent proposed immigration bill. They killed it despite their party negotiating it. So what are their fundamentalists left to think? Did they negotiate it poorly? Are they incompetent? Did Mike Johnson block a good bill? Seems like any excuse they can give insults the party and highlights division.

    Same thing here. If they can’t manage a unified message, it’ll be obvious what’s happening.