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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I was scrolling down to see if anyone said this, since it’s been the case for me so far. I have to say lately I’ve seen a raise in unfriendliness (not referring towards me, but in general), but I suppose it’s inevitable.

    I’m still really happy with how people interact with me and with each other, and I haven’t felt that on Reddit for a while (am referring to both pre APIcalypse and after, though I now visit Reddit rarely)

  • There’s one thing I haven’t read yet in the previous answers: after you s**t you still wipe your ass with toilet paper before using the bidet, and you do it pretty well too.

    When you get to use the bidet, your butt is already pretty clean, but washing it with a bidet makes it entirely clean and feels really nice.

    You use a towel right after using a bidet, which is why you see one hanging right by a bidet in most (if not all) bathrooms with a bidet. This prevents spraying water everywhere after you’re clean.

    Also, when you use it once, you learn how strong you want your water stream to be, not to wet the whole bathroom. You do the same the first time you wash your dishes (if your faucet shoots water too strongly, you wet the kitchen beyond the sink)

    Also: those who use bidet go through a rigorous training to master its practice and transmit it’s secrets orally to the next generation.

    Bonus: Crocodile Dundee VS a bidet

  • I second this as a principle, though I have a hard time not showering once per day. It’s a complicated balance, between not drying your skin with water and soap and not smelling.

    I lived in Brazil for quite some time and, it being a huge country, I behaved differently depending if I was in a tropical or subtropical climate. I would mostly have one shower in the morning, except when it was mad hot and humid, when no matter how lightly you dressed, you’d still be drenched in sweat after a while

  • I’ve been donating to the Wikimedia foundation regularly since 2016 since I believe it’s a resource everyone should have access to.

    The Wikipedia is not perfect but, for several topics, it’s a great starting point or recap. I’ve used it for science related queries and, even if the style is not uniform and some entries are hard to read, it is an amazingly useful project which doesn’t get old (and the phone app is fantastic)

  • While the concepts you expounded are correct, their order is wrong.

    Pizza did come after fire and wheel, but it is, of course, more important of them as it is encapsulating the concepts of “fire” in its forging and “wheel” in its shape.

    Clearly, pizza represents the pinnacle of human evolution and, if you so desire, you can have it with a topping of penicillin.