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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2021


  • I’m super happy with jmp.chat

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    It’s $5/month, and your phone calls and texts are forwarded to an XMPP account. Voice mails are transcibed and sent as a text, with the included audiofile. It works over the internet, so you can have multiple phones with the number, and you can use your computer for the service as well.

    For data, I use jmp.chats data only esim. It’s $7/year + $5/gig but the data never expires.

  • What I see, is a bigoted fucking genocide enabler.

    Basically, since the end of world war two, most genocides are done the same fucking way. You concentrate the population you consider undesirable into an area whose borders you can control, then you cut off food.

    Depending on the paranoia of population, they will have two to three months of food stores, unless you strip it from them first.

    Then it takes about a month for the first deaths from starvation to kick in, with children first.

    Then the numbers of people dying go up fucking fast.

    This is how genocides are done. Mainly because it is so effective and most people don’t recognize that the first steps are genocidal. And those first months are critical. You HAVE to keep the food out.

    During that time, when everyone with even the first bit of knowledge of history were screaming that Israel was committing genocide, disgusting genocide enablers like you would pop up trying to muddy the waters accusing people trying to warn the world that genocide was happening of antisemitism.

    You know what the odds are of something happening when it already happened are? 100%

    I’m not guessing at your motivations (I know you like to accuse anyone implying motivations of being antisemitic.)

    I’m stating what your actions were. What the consequences are.

    You enabled genocide.

    The first children died last week. Even if food were to flood Gaza now, the children will be permanently handicapped. You don’t starve this much without there being permenent damage.

    You helped buy Israel the month it needed once the food stores ran out. Maybe just a little, but still a little.

    If ‘Never Again’ meant anything to you more than ‘Never Again to Jewish people’, then you have individually helped it fail.

  • There is no single ‘nut job’ pushing anything. It is simply being aware of current demographic trends in Michigan, and knowing that Biden won Michigan by only 11k votes.

    I don’t need to listen to someone else to decide what my opinions are. I’m capable of looking at objective data, and drawing conclusions for myself. Lots of Michigan state DNC members, including the one that screamed the loudest that Clinton was going to lose are raising the same warnings about this election.

    God, you’re so brain rotted by living in a bubble and blaming a foreign power for everything you literally are incapable of analyzing data yourself, if it leads to a conclusion you don’t like.

    That is a really really bad place to be.

  • They’re doing a great job.

    The most effective way to depopulate an area is what the Nazis finally ended up doing, and has been done by every genocidal group since.

    You starve the population.

    It takes a month or two for food stores to run out, then it takes about a month for the starvation to start killing people. During those first two months the numbers don’t go up a large amount. Afterwards they go up FAST.

    It also kills off the children first, so even if not fully successful, you’ve made the population older, and weaker, and less able to resist or fight back the next time.

    This is what Israel is doing.

    A 3 month old Palestinian boy died yesterday from starvation. He wasn’t even alive in Oct.

    I hope you never have to eat grass to try to stave off the insanity inducing hunger you seem okay with Israel inducing.