I like horror, linux, programming, and snuggin’ the shork

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Hey, that’s fair. I hadn’t considered that in casting this net I could be catching people who are quite anxious and speaking to fill the silence. Admittedly I am saying this with a handful of specific people I’ve met in mind, and in their particular cases it was more reflective of their narcissistic tendencies than any sort of anxious response, but I realize in retrospect that it can also be coping behavior. I hope I didn’t offend either way, and I’ll keep this in mind in the future.

  • Cutting others off excessively. It’s normal when you’re in a large enough group for there to be some overlap, but some people do it constantly and are only interested in hearing themselves speak. Makes being around them impossible since I often have trouble speaking up anyways.

    Edit: I took instantly to mean on first meeting them, so I may have interpreted the question wrong lol

    Edit2: I also should’ve been a bit more careful with my words, as this kind of behavior can be attributed to an anxiety response and isn’t always done out of apathy. I really apologize if I offended anyone by overgeneralizing.