Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like Sex?
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like Sex?
Uber/Dash drivers parking wherever suits them, blocking lanes. Inconsiderate pricks!
Then I get annoyed at the companies forcing them to meet unrealistic expectations or they stop getting jobs.
Then I get annoyed at myself for getting annoyed at the poor bastards busting their asses to make a living in a system that treats them as entirely replaceable.
Exercises like Duolingo are only half the battle. You need to have some immersion in the language you’re learning. Watch tv and listen to podcasts in the target language, you won’t understand (at first) but your brain will start recognising the sounds and structures.
They’re (the leopards) eating him! (His face)
And then they’re gonna eat me!!
Counter offer: he puts “Haitian” and n-word together so often in private it just rolled out.
Too many knocks to the head.
I went between the Olympics and Paralympics. I liked it a lot. Wandering streets in the Latin Quarter. Poking around random shops and such.
Went to see Notre Dame, the Arc and the Effiel Tower as the main attractions.
I went to the Louvre but its was crazy busy, even on a weekday. Kind of hard to enjoy it and there were very few places to sit, even less where you could sit and enjoy the artwork. Still went to have a look at Lisa and Venus, pretty neat.
The food (as long as you stay away from tourist traps) was great! Do try a baguette by itself if you can. I had no idea bread could be so deep and complex and just damn tasty by itself.
I just use a good quality moisturiser, but I do get a little irritation.
With Joe stepping down and a surge of support for Kamala, is there a point where the Supreme Court has to accept they’re not winning this time and switch to clean house of people who overplayed their hand?
This friend of a friend hardly competed in the Amazing Race?
Because, if so, I already got it!
My SO and I have been together for around 15 years. We’ve had our ups and downs, like everyone else, but I think we’re in a really strong place for the last year or so. I’ve had to face up to my imperfections and work to change them. But some of our problems were caused by my now diagnosed ADHD. (Medium severity inattentive type)
And she just rolled with it, she has accommodated my newly discovered needs like it’s nothing. She is compassionate and understanding of my preference to write down timelines so I can see the whole picture. She is happy to take housework off my plate that I’m simply not built to do well.
Holy fuck I love this woman.
And they were unable to find the frogs for comment.
debate a girl
Why is this in here?
I can read this in two, equally correct ways
To allow articulated lorries and buses to make a left turn onto your street.
You stay behind the line when the light is red to leave them space, then you pull forward into the junction when you have right of way.
So you’re getting this tearout on the top?!
That’s kinda nuts, never seen it before.
Make sure your drill is sharp, and consider a brad-point.
Also pull the drill out to clear the flutes just before you pierce the far side. Clogged flutes mean you’re really just punching through, rather than cutting.
Instead of a hone you could make a strop. A 2”x10” bit of leather, buy a stick of stropping compound and you get to feel like an old timey barber.
Holy moly that takes me back.
Could I interest you in some diagonal bracing today?