A man of leisure living in the present, waiting for the future.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • The rivalry continues to today, as detailed in the link it seems like you didn’t read.

    In March 2024, Hamas and its allied groups in the Gaza Strip criticized Abbas’ appointment of Mohamed Mustafa as the Palestinian Authority’s new prime minister following Mohammed Shtayyeh’s resignation. They issued a statement referring to the changes as “formal steps that are devoid of substance” and questioned the Palestinian Authority’s ability to properly represent the Palestinian people. In response, Fatah condemned Hamas as being itself disconnected from the Palestinian people and accused them of “having caused the return of the Israeli occupation of Gaza” by “undertaking the October 7 adventure”.
    Later that month, Hamas accused Fatah of sending security officers into northern Gaza in collaboration with Israel, saying it had arrested six individuals and were “in pursuit” of the others. The Palestinian Authority issued a statement refuting the claims by Hamas.

  • Hamas must be deposed for meaningful safety, they’ve said they want to do October 7th over and over again. This is a last minute deal for them to try and weasel their way out of ultimate consequences for what they have done.

    Occupying Gaza is probably also a good call considering their unilateral withdrawal arguably led directly to October 7th. I expect they will stay, try to implement a puppet government, do a little nation building, and only leave once Gaza is pacified. If this is not possible, expect more annexations and settlements.

  • No it obviously isn’t. The deaths of Palestinian civilians are collateral damage, while Israel’s tolerance for collateral damage has gone up the intent is not to destroy them. They have been very clear about intent: to destroy Hamas and get the hostages back, to achieve meaningful safety for Israel. If Hamas surrendered the war would end, because that is who this war is on.

    If they wanted to destroy Palestinian civilians I suspect they could make all of Gaza into a crater in an afternoon. Why don’t they? Because Israel is not genocidal, no matter how often you repeat the mantra.

    I’ll upvote what I please.

  • You seem to have some strange and distorted ideas about what the US is like. Do you get most of your info about the US from social media?

    We elect our leaders, they are not dictatorial. We have three branches of government with checks and balances on each other, the US is therefore not autocratic. We have freedom of assembly and freedom of speech, and do not forcibly suppress the opposition. Belief in a natural social hierarchy is not a universal American belief, nor is subordination of individual interests. If anything, we are often criticized for being too individualistic. We also do not have strong regimentation of society and the economy, which is less regulated than many other modern countries and we value individual expression. We are the country that invented burning man ffs.

    Just because one of the guys running for office is in fact a fascist, does not make the US a fascist state. If he wins and changes our system around to retain power, well then perhaps you might have a point.