Oh they know exactly what kind of cities they want to build. The wealthy have been wanting their slaves back since 1865.
Oh they know exactly what kind of cities they want to build. The wealthy have been wanting their slaves back since 1865.
Exactly. I would like to see what he has to offer on his own terms. Maybe I’ll support him, maybe not. But it was obvious through the entire campaign that he was holding back. The one thing he did that got the most traction in the campaign was calling Republicans “weird”, and he was told by Dem leadership to stop doing that.
It’s really hard to decide if Dems are just that incredibly incompetent, or if they are actual controlled opposition. I think it might be a combination of the two.
I’ll be honest… I don’t care if he was talking about 2020 or 2024, or even if he was straight up admitting to rigging the election himself. Any nefariousness you want to read into that quote doesn’t matter, because it’s either not there, or he got away with it. Harping on the context is pointless, regardless of what he may or may not have meant by it.
Liberal electoralism isn’t going anywhere any time soon, unfortunately. We still have to operate within that system if we want to affect any change for the better at the political level. Things like mutual aid and strengthening unions can and should happen right alongside it, just as they did before. But that’s a good addition, and I should have mentioned it.
Definitely good questions. I couldn’t find any “Beginners Guide to Running for Office”, so I sat up for a while chugging coffee and reading a whole bunch of local election board websites and other related sources, and this is what I came up with. This is by no means a comprehensive list or plan, but I tried to break down the main components of running for a local office in the most general terms possible, so it could be applied more broadly.
Campaign Team
Campaign Strategy
Build Your Brand
Community Engagement
Get People to Vote
Again, this is by no means a comprehensive, foolproof plan. I didn’t include many resources, because requirements, deadlines, and paperwork all vary by state and county. These just seemed to be the most common points I picked up from a number of sources, and should at least give you an idea of how and what to research further.
Personally, I have no ambition to run for office because I’m already 50 and don’t want to add to the pool of geriatrics running this country. We need to hand the torch to young people. That said, I will help any way I can if someone younger wants to run. Speech writing, phone banking, logo design, or pretty much anything else, I will gladly offer my services for free.
I dunno… I grew up in southern Arizona, and getting pulled over for Driving While Brown has kind of always been a thing. Latinos have always been harassed by cops, going all the way back to the Zoot Suit Riots and Marijuana prohibition and long before. This country has never been nice to Latinos. Though it does seem to be getting much worse.
Liberalism isn’t going to save us. Way I see it, if we want a better country, we have three options:
Violent revolution. This should be a last resort, and I don’t think we are quite there yet.
Wait for Fascism to collapse. It will. Problem is, A FUCKING LOT of people will suffer and die in the mean time.
Mobilize a viable third party. No, not the Greens. They are just as corrupt as the rest, and they pal around with Fascist traitors. I’m talking about a real grass roots Leftist movement, starting from the ground up. Basically, use the exact same playbook that MAGA used. They spent the past decade taking over social media with their Manosphere bullshit, and suddenly Gen Z shifted hard to the Right, which younger generations almost never do. We need to take back that online space. Take over town hall meetings, take over school boards, take over city councils, show up in huge numbers to vote for actual good (or as good as we can get) judges and DA’s. This also means volunteering, phone banking, door knocking, and most importantly of all, some of you need to run for office. Even something local can make a difference in your community. That’s how MAGA won. They didn’t even have the numbers. They just had the right strategy, and in their hubris, Democrats ignored it.
The third option is obviously what I prefer to happen. It’ll take a few years, and we may not even win the White House in 2028. But this isn’t about you or me. It’s about the future of civilization. If they did it, so can we. Let’s not be outsmarted by a bunch of people who worship a man who can’t fucking read.
I just wish they would be honest with their naming schemes. Stop with the “freedom this” and “freedom that” nonsense. They don’t give a good goddam about freedom and we all know it. They are just trying to build “company towns” with touchscreens. We’ve already been down this road. You can slap all the lipstick you want on it, but it’s still a fucking pig.