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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2024


  • Yeah that’s basically what I did too.

    I just installed dash to dock and made the icons quite large, then rebound a button on my air-mouse to the super key (to bring up the dash). I also installed Just Perfection and used it to hide the top bar unless the dash is open.

    90% of the time, I’m just using Firefox, so I don’t need anything too fancy.

  • Yup, this is just a replay of early 20th century. Inequality exploded and eventually you had revolutions virtually everywhere (in europe and the west, ar least).

    Some were extreme-left (communism)

    Some were extreme-right (facism)

    Some were far-left for the time (social-democratic, or “new deal” as it’s known in the US)

    Some were violent, some were relatively peaceful.

    But they were basically all inevitable, the people were frustrated and willing to support whatever platform promised something ‘different’.

    We’re at that point currently, but only the far-right is offering anything different, so even though it’s a terrible option, people will gravitate towards it. The solution is to offer genuine vision of change from the left.