Lol look at his cute little tiny fist
Lol look at his cute little tiny fist
It’s absolutely awful. I don’t think I’ve watched more than 3 minutes of wwe in total. I only took interest in finding out who he was because of the fucking meme that he is in. But there’s just something about McMahon that just screams pieceofshitabusivegarbagehuman. And yes, this story is not surprising at all.
The first time I saw a Brock lesnar ufc fight, I was very shocked by this brutal knuckle dragger -mind you, I was very young and it was probably one of the first times I saw a ufc fight on the screen. When I saw he’s part of the story, I wasn’t surprised. But I was hoping that maybe he’d have a redeeming quality, and that maybe he’d stood up to McMahon and defended Grant… no such luck, of course. Why do men in power have to be such pieces of shit…
Anyone got a paywall workaround? I don’t care much about wwe, but never liked piece of shit McMahon, and I’d really like to read about the beginning of his end.
A reply I got from him on a thread below just read like trump wrote it, and then goes on to say that he “literally just said” what I then replied. I’m like mf where??
lol ok. Im sure a bunch of white people got offended on behalf of us.
Someone’s gotta balance the scales
Without getting too deep into it, I think the simplest explanation is that speedy Gonzalez was just funny and entertaining. I don’t think many people at the time stopped to think too much about it being representative of our culture or even a stereotype. Looking back, sure, it is a stereotype, but one that even by then was so outdated that no one thought twice about it perhaps being offensive.
I think a very interesting part of Mexican culture is to learn how to not take ourselves too seriously. I had to learn to deal with being made fun of for the stupidest things. It was always “el que se enoja, pierde (he who gets mad, loses).” So you had to learn how to take it and dish it back. And the idea was to keep it as a battle of wits, without becoming irate and physical. I have to admit, I lost more times than I’d like to own up…
As a Mexican, I don’t take Taco Bell jokes to be offensive. Or even Mexican food jokes to be offensive, for that matter. I mean, i know my people’s food will sometimes make me shit my pants, but fuck it’s delicious. But back to the point, Taco Bell is far from being ethnically offensive, because it is far from being representative of Mexican food.
As a fellow Canadian resident… this is brutal man. I can’t believe people would vote this fuck in again. Like, how can you look at his first four years as the most incompetent president in the history of the us and say “ya I’ll have some more of that?”
What’s also terrifying is the repercussions this will have on our country and our brothers and sisters down south of the American cesspool. Un-fucking-believable. Good job you guys.