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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • As someone who only recently returned to chess.com and chess in general, I’m narrowly leading in an endgame in my ongoing correspondence game against a 1000 (which might be creeping towards a draw) and somehow once beat the 1500 doggo bot, but whenever I reach the 800s in Rapid I slip back into the 700s because I only know like 3 opening lines, and it especially doesn’t help that 680-740s love experimenting with the non-e4 opening moves as white, most of which I don’t know the proper defense/punishment for as black except perhaps the e and d pawn push for Nc3 and getting in with your queen through the fortress’ unguarded diagonal for the Catalan if they play g3 first (I do know the englund, caro-kann and french as well as the 4 knights game but most of those assume the opponent is predictable enough to play e4). As white I know a bit more theory (king’s pawn, vienna, catalan and while not very effective on triple-digit players, the ballistic missile gambit).

    And I haven’t yet memorized a lot of book moves so my Blitz elo is in the toilet because I keep losing on time to complete noobs