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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 29th, 2024

  • Worked through my obsessions a bit and let go of them. In the following weeks I asked three women out and got shot down each time instead of thinking about doing so for a month and being a creep.

    Unironically, good on you. That’s character progress and it takes a lot of courage and self-confidence to accept rejection in a mature way and keep trying regardless. For what it’s worth I as an Internet stranger think we should help more people do the same sort of things.

  • I’d say it’s sometimes ok, sometimes necessary for brevity, and sometimes accurate. Accurate = “All people need oxygen, water, and calories to survive.” Brevity = “Generally speaking, people enjoy good food and good company so those situations work well for forming relationships.”

    Consequences of generalizations have a lot to do with how tolerable they are. If I say, “most people like pizza” there’s not much harm if several million people don’t. If I say, “all or most people of this gender/ethnicity/religion/whatever have X problem” that’s a lot more problematic because it can easily lead to a consequence of harmful prejudice. When it comes to matters of ethics, beliefs, accusations etc. it becomes very important to handle cases individually as much as humanly possible.

  • "Over the decades, antagonism between the Republican state government and the Democratic and Black-led local government created additional obstacles to updating Jackson’s water and sewage infrastructure. A Title VI civil rights complaint that the NAACP filed with the EPA in September 2022 accused Governor Reeves and the state legislature of “systematically depriving Jackson the funds that it needs to operate and maintain its water facilities in a safe and reliable manner.”

    Add “clean, safe water” and “proper sewage systems” to the list of things being unnecessarily made political. I may not support some political views but I want to “win” on merit and due process, not because folks are desperate for the most basic of human needs. Depriving people of clean water because you don’t like how they vote is pretty evil in my books.

  • I’ll upvote, agree they aren’t exactly the same, and edit but I’ll also argue they should both be illegal. That is admittedly opinion but let me explain. My reasoning is there are other examples of passively, but still criminally, failing to protect a child: improper storage of firearms, explosives, or chemicals. Not using seatbelts or safety seats. Failing to secure medical aid for a desperately ill child. I am not a lawyer, but those seem to set precedents where the adult wasn’t actively putting a gun in the kid’s hand or causing a fatal illness but they were still prosecuted.

    Given the prevalence of anti-vaxxer parents, it seems current law doesn’t make failure to vaccinate your young child a criminal charge. My argument, and I know there are other views, is it should be (although defining criminal limits would require work). We protect kids in other situations where there’s no ill intent and IMO that’s a good thing. I know my position errs towards caution and is somewhat extreme, but polio is pretty extreme. The arguments that anti-vaxxers bring eerily mirror those brought by people who resisted seat belts (and I know you clearly aren’t one, just continuing the reasoning). 40 years later I think most agree mandatory seat belts proved to be a good and reasonable requirement that saves thousands every year.

  • Kids can’t protect themselves. They don’t have the ability to make their own informed choices. Please don’t destroy the evidence-based protections we have that keep them from dying, being crippled, having to get a machine to breathe for them permanently, etc. We have decades of data and it’s overwhelmingly clear: vaccines save lives and do so incredibly safely.

    Every time a child is seriously harmed because a parent ignored vaccine guidelines the parents should be charged with criminal neglect. It’s no different not different enough than if you fed your children say, mercury, and then claimed you believed it was helpful because of Facebook gurus or similarly unaccredited sources. In both situations a child is being permanently harmed due to choices they have no ability to understand, resist or protest and thus we need laws to protect them.

    Also, not only are the anti-vaxxer parents endangering their own children, but also everyone else’s by increasing risk of their kids becoming vectors/reservoirs for infection and potential mutation into new strains that could evade current vaccines. “High mutation rate is an important characteristic of viruses that can enable them to evade immune responses and propagate infection.” So not only are anti-vaxxers making choices for their own kids, but potentially also others’ kids. It’s not guaranteed but it’s rolling some high-stakes dice.

  • Marjorie Taylor Greene is an embarrassing wreck of insanity, drama, and poor education and she’s not alone in her club of like-minded fans of chaos and governmental sabotage. I’d be surprised if Republicans implode before the election, but less so than at the start of the year given that Republicans Ken Buck and Mike Gallagher have already resigned in protest. If the legitimately extremist Republicans prove to be more serious than usual about their political brinkmanship then I don’t know what to expect honestly.

    Dammit, I don’t even particularly like reality show-style forced drama on TV much less in nation-defining government. “Will government agencies completely shut down because of blocked funding?” “Is a President allowed to do whatever he wants even if it’s criminal for the rest of us? Tune in next week to find out!”