Programmer and Airplane Enthusiast.
“You just don’t know how AI works” earns you a block.
Street : 70945 Roxane Well Suite 870,East Websterton
No state, no country, fake town, fake street, fake account, fake website. Fuck off.
RODE Mini USB. Might be a little more than $50 but it’s completely plug and play, no drivers needed, great quality.
For those looking, the video is about Rajneeshpuram. But you can also find a well-done Netflix documentary on it.
One of my favorite Down The Rabbit Hole videos. Too bad it’s not on Youtube anymore…
SCOTUS is so corrupt they’d declare a constitutional amendment unconstitutional.
“They will effortlessly carve out any exception because it makes them exceptional… and what greater power is there than the ability to override to override truth?”
Past the second? They fucking hate the FIRST. Freedom of religion? Hell no. They’d impose Christianity on everyone if they had even the most remote opportunity.
I think you got the wrong takeaway from that story… The character of God rebukes the dead man for not accepting the practical help of other people. It’s just framed as though God sent the rescuers to convince the “believes in miracles” crowd that no such things exist.
Consider a simple rewording: instead of “I sent you two boats and a helicopter” you read “Two boats and a helicopter came to save you.” This solves your only hangup and doesn’t even change the story. Your beef is with the aesthetic component, not the meaning of the story.