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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • To be fair, there’s only been 24 year’s of 21 century. Most things you gave listed happened at the end of the 20th century. But also the question is somewhat self negating - we won’t know what’s the greatest invention until we see it working great, but it takes much more than 24 years to take an invention from concept to consumption. For example computational biology is kicking off. Computer aided dna generation started in the past 24 years. But it’s so new few people think about it. Just like no one thought of internet as the greatest invention in the 70s… it was just too new

  • I had crush on this girl in my class, Julia. We were 13 maybe 14 I don’t quite remember. I had a crush but was to chicken to act on it. Then one day I get a love note. From Julia. She’s left handed and the note is obviously written by a left handed person too. I’m super stoked. Write the reply back and sneak it into her back pack… days go by, weeks go by, nothing… wtf?! when I was 15 I moved very long distance and that was that.

    Then with Facebook a lot of my old classmates started popping up there and I’ve added a lot of them and we reminisced about the old times. So curiosity is killing me. I ask Julia if she’s ever did notes. She never mentioned my note but said she was never into them and never wrote a single one. Wtf #2?!

    Then it hit me. You see, in the class of 27 we had two left handed Julia’s. And the other one always acted odd when I was around. But I never paid any attention to it.

  • My wife is an RDH and she got us this one https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HFQQ0VU it’s expensive but I love it - ever since I started using it I have less build up (according to my dentist) and my gums don’t hurt at all. The first few times I used it it was also very gross because whatever tiny food particles it picked up from my gums smelled very bad.

    The only word of caution is if you have prosthetics/crowns/dentures you need to select a tip that is made for that job. The default tip might not clean right or even break some of the smaller parts (the pressure level can be adjusted so it depends on what can you tolerate, but over time you’ll be able to tolerate more and more pressure because your gums will heal)