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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • there is nothing from us keeping a database and tracking cars like this, It is just not required by law to do this with active updates. I mean with all the cameras in cars (and I am sure their are insurance companies that are looking into putting more AI cameras in cars to track not only your driving [progressive did a massive push on this already] but also those around you) you can just machine learn those plates and pool them in a public area where we can all pull and push info about these drivers. The airways we can still do this with, and we will, they will anon the info, but I am sure it will be an easy thing to overcome.

    Nothing is anonymized for me, wanna know my house address, just look up the name on the internet, it will give you an idea and then just call the local county clerk, they will hand over any details about properties owned by me in that area. Its a matter of public record. My car has an ID on it that is required by law to be shown and not hidden until asked for by the government. Hell all your siblings and children, they are a matter of public record, so I can find out a LOT about you, just by knowing small info about you. (try it, look up an old partner on a search engine, they will give you known addresses for like 20 years.)

    So please dont make this about, they wanna just be as private as you are. I dont have shell companies to hide all my properties onto. I dont get laws that state I can randomize my lic plate on my car. And also least we forget, the police can already have access to your cars real time data, the car companies are selling that info, so is your phone provider.

  • very well could be. I know the line I recall was for the reason that he became a candidate so early in the 2020 election cycle and there was something about it protecting him from criticism, maybe he had to be allowed a rebuttal if they did those things while he was a candidate. Still looking into the laws that govern political people and the media, it seems that cable stations have different rules then those that apply to over the air stations (which cable news stations use to their benefit but this would also apply here with showtime, so even if there was something to the thing I am thinking of this is still odd, maybe it is just they dont have the war chest to play in court and dont wanna get bit right now)

  • It may have been hinted that it was used in that way, what I think was the end goal was the fairness of all things, and this was going to give trump a lot more cheap air time for himself when ever they had any mention of democrats jockeying for office but I am still looking into the relevant laws on this and trying to find the reddit thread that gave me this thought to start with.

    And to those downvoting me, thats fine. But also understand just like I said here and in the DM’s I wrote back, I never claimed I knew this to be 100% true, so calm down just a bit.